炭にエネルギーを貯める -炭素による分子・イオンの吸蔵-
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第4編 第2章 NMRによる二次電池の計測
後藤和馬 技術教育出版社(2015 11月発行).
Crystal structures of three co-crystals of 4,4'-bipyridyl with 4-alkoxybenzoic acids: 4-ethoxybenzoic acid 4,4'-bipyridyl (2/1), 4-n-propoxybenzoic acid-4,4'-bipyridyl (2/1) and 4-n-butoxybenzoic acid-4,4'-bipyridyl (2/1)
Y. Tabuchi, K. Gotoh, and H. Ishida
Acta Cryst., E71, 1290-1295(2015).
Crystal structures of three co-crystals of 1,2-bis(pyridin-4-yl)ethane with 4-alkoxybenzoic acids: 4-ethoxybenzoic acid-1,2-bis(pyridin-4-yl)ethane (2/1), 4-n-propoxybenzoic acid-1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)ethane (2/1) and 4-n-butoxybenzoic acid-1,2-bis(pyridin-4-yl)ethane (2/1)
Y. Tabuchi, K. Gotoh, and H. Ishida
Acta Cryst., E71, 1340-1344(2015).
Crystal structures of morpholinium hydrogen bromanilate at 130, 145 and 180 K
K. Gotoh, Y. Tahara, and H. Ishida
Acta Cryst., E71, 1226-1229(2015).
Arrangement and Dynamics of Diamine, Etheric, and Tetraalkylammonium Intercalates within Graphene or Graphite Oxide Galleries by 2H NMR
K. Gotoh, C. Sugimoto, R. Morita, T. Miyatou, M. Mizuno, W. Sirisaksoontorn, M. M. Lerner, and H. Ishida
J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 11763-11770 (2015).
Crystal structures of iso-quinoline-3-chloro-2-nitro-benzoic acid (1/1) and isoquinolinium 4-chloro-2-nitro-benzoate
K. Gotoh, and H. Ishida
Acta Cryst., E71, 31-34(2015).
In Situ Solid State 7Li NMR Observations of Lithium Metal Deposition during Overcharge in Lithium Ion Batteries
J. Arai, Y. Okada, T. Sugiyama, M. Izuka, K. Gotoh and K. Takeda
J. Electrochem. Soc., 162(6), A952-A958 (2015).
Adsorption News,28(4), 17-24 (2015).