Last Updated: 2024.10.11
西原康師 教授
NISHIHARA, Professor)
1968年 広島市 生まれ (満56歳)
1992年3月 広島大学 理学部化学科 卒業
1994年3月 広島大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 (中沢 浩先生) 修了
(この間,1993年2月-1994年1月 アメリカ・ノートルダム大学 (T. P. Fehlner 先生)に Research
Associate として留学)
1994年4月 総合研究大学院大学 数物科学研究科機能分子科学専攻 (高橋 保先生) 入学
(この間 ,1995年9月-1995年12月 アメリカ・アイオワ大学
(R. F. Jordan 先生)に Visiting
Researcher として留学)
1995年12月-1996年8月 北海道大学・触媒化学研究センター の受託の学生として移動
1996年9月 総合研究大学院大学 数物科学研究科機能分子科学専攻 中途退学
1997年9月 総合研究大学院大学 学位取得 博士(理学)
1996年4月-8月 日本学術振興会 特別研究員
1996年9月-2004年3月 東京工業大学 資源化学研究所 (檜山爲次郎先生,小坂田耕太郎先生) 助手
2004年3月-2005年3月 岡山大学 理学部化学科 助教授
2005年4月-2007年3月 岡山大学 大学院自然科学研究科(理学系) 助教授 (大学院改組)
2007年4月-2010年3月 岡山大学 大学院自然科学研究科 准教授 (呼称変更)
2010年4月-2016年3月 岡山大学 大学院自然科学研究科 教授
2016年4月-現在 岡山大学 異分野基礎科学研究所 教授
2012年4月-2016年3月 岡山大学 自然生命科学研究支援センター 分析計測・極低温部門 部門長
2013年4月-2014年3月 岡山大学 理学部 教務委員長
2014年8月-2015年3月 岡山大学 理学部長補佐(国際担当)
2015年4月-2017年3月 岡山大学 理学部 化学科長 兼 岡山大学大学院自然科学研究科 地球生命物質科学専攻 副専攻長
2016年1月-2017年3月 岡山大学 学長補佐 (タスク・フォース)
2017年4月-2018年3月 岡山大学 理学部 副学部長(広報・入試担当)
2018年4月-2019年3月 岡山大学 理学部 副学部長(広報・国際担当)
2020年4月-2022年3月 岡山大学 異分野基礎科学研究所 コア長(超伝導・機能材料研究コア)
2022年4月-2026年3月 岡山大学 異分野基礎科学研究所 副所長
中央大学 理工学部 兼任講師
2007年4月-2016年3月 北海道大学 触媒化学研究センター 学外協力研究員
2009年5月-2009年7月 国立台湾大学 化学教室 客員准教授
2012年9月-2013年3月 岡山理科大学 非常勤講師
( ) 内は被引用回数
論文被引用回数 7,185 回/ 196報
h-index: 47 (2024.10.11 現在)
100回以上引用 13報,70回以上引用 23報,40回以上引用 43報 (前のものを含む)
- (25) Custer Chemistry Driven by Ligand Bulk. Significance
of the Synthesis of nido-1-(h5-C5Me5)Co-2-(h4-C5Me5H)CoB3H8
and Its Dehydrogenation to nido-2,4-{(h5-C5Me5)Co}2B3H7
Y. Nishihara, K. J. Deck, M. Shang, and T. P.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115, 12224-12225 (1993).
- (70) Synthesis of
Cobaltaborane Clusters from [Cp*CoCl]2 and
Monoboranes. New Structures and Mechanistic Implications
Y. Nishihara, K. J. Deck, M. Shang, T. P. Fehlner,
B. S. Haggerty, and A. L. Rheingold
Organometallics 13, 4510-4522 (1994).
- (31) Preparation and Structure of (Cp*Cr)2B4H8.
An Unsaturated Metallaborane Cluster with an Unexpected
K. J. Deck, Y. Nishihara, M. Shang, and T. P.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116, 8408-8409 (1994).
- (1) Practical and Selective Method for Preparation of Cp2HfRCl
and Cp2HfRR'
T. Takahashi, Y. Nishihara, and T. Ishida
Chem. Lett. 159-160 (1995).
- (77) Oxidative Addition of 2-Haloalkene
to Zirconocene
T. Takahashi, M. Kotora, R. Fischer, Y. Nishihara,
and K. Nakajima
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 117, 11039-11040 (1995).
- (70) High Yield Synthesis
and Characterization of Chromaboranes. Comparison of the
Geometric, Electronic, and Chemical Properties of an
Electronically Unsaturated (h5-C5Me5)2Cr2B4H8
Cluster with Its Saturated Derivative (h5-C5Me5)2Cr2(CO)2B4H6
J. Ho, K. J. Deck, Y. Nishihara, M. Shang, and T.
P. Fehlner
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 117, 10292-10299 (1995).
- (20) Highly Selective Monofunctionalization of
Zirconacyclopentanes and Dialkylzirconocene Complexes
Y. Nishihara, K. Aoyagi, R. Hara, N. Suzuki, and T.
Inorg. Chim. Acta 252, 91-99 (1996).
- (159) Copper-Mediated
Coupling of Zirconacyclopentadienes with Dihalo Aromatic
Compounds. Formation of Fused Aromatic Rings
T. Takahashi, R. Hara, Y. Nishihara, and M. Kotora
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118, 5154-5155 (1996).
- (31) Zirconocene Catalyzed Dehalogenation of Aromatic
Halides by Alkylmagunesium Reagents
R. Hara, W.-H. Sun, Y. Nishihara, and T. Takahashi
Chem. Lett. 1251-1252 (1997).
- (15) TBAHF2 and TBAH2F3
as Activating Agents of Organosilanes
A. Mori, A. Fujita, K. Ikegashira, Y. Nishihara,
and T. Hiyama
Synlett 693-694 (1997).
- (108) Synthesis, Structures,
Dynamics, and Olefin Polymerization Behavior of Group 4
Metal (pyCAr2O)2M(NR2)2
Complexes Containing Bidentate Pyridine-Alkoxide
Ancillary Ligands
I. Kim, Y. Nishihara, R. F. Jordan, R. D. Rogers,
A. L. Rheingold, and G. P. A. Yap
Organometallics 16, 3314-3323 (1997).
- (15) Reaction of Alkenylzirconocene with
Dialkylzirconocene: Unexpected Formation of Bimetallic (m-Alkynyl)zirconocene
T. Takahashi, Y. Nishihara, W.-H. Sun, R. Fischer,
and K. Nakajima
Organometallics 16, 2216-2219 (1997).
- (8) Preparation and Reactions of Cp2HfRCl, Cp2HfRR'
and Hafnacyclopent-2-enes
Y. Nishihara, T. Ishida, S. Huo, and T. Takahashi
J. Organomet. Chem. 547, 209-216 (1997).
- (22) Highly Regio- and Diastereo-selective Carbon-Carbon
Bond Formation Reaction of Unsymmetrical
Zirconacyclopentanes using Copper Salt
T. Takahashi, Y. Nishihara, R. Hara, S. Huo, and M.
Chem. Commun. 1599-1600 (1997).
- (91) Cu(I)/Pd(0)-Catalyzed
Cross-Coupling Reaction of Alkynylsilanes with Aryl or
Alkenyl Triflates “Sila”-Sonogashira-Hagihara
Y. Nishihara, K. Ikegashira, A. Mori, and T.
Chem. Lett. 1233-1234 (1997).
- (41) Coupling Reaction of
Alkenylzirconocenes with Aryl or Alkenyl Iodides in the
Presence of CuCl/Pd(PPh3)4
R. Hara, Y. Nishihara, P. D. Landré, and T.
Tetrahedron Lett. 38, 447-450 (1997).
- (108) Copper(I) Salt
Promoted Homo-Coupling Reaction of Organosilanes
K. Ikegashira, Y. Nishihara, K. Hirabayashi, A.
Mori, and T. Hiyama
Chem. Commun. 1039-1040 (1997).
- (55) Copper(I) Salt Mediated
1,4-Reduction of a,b-Unsaturated
Ketones using Hydrosilanes
A. Mori, A. Fujita, Y. Nishihara, and T. Hiyama
Chem. Commun. 2159-2160 (1997).
- (77) Convenient Preparative
Method of a,b-Disubstituted
Cyclopentenones by Zirconium Promoted Intermolecular
Coupling of an Alkyne, EtMgBr (or Ethylene) and CO
T. Takahashi, Z. Xi, Y. Nishihara, S. Huo, K.
Kasai, K. Aoyagi, V. Denisov, and E.-i. Negishi
Tetrahedron 53, 9123-9134 (1997).
- (63) RhCl(PPh3)3/NaI
Catalyst System for Hydrosilylation of 1-Alkynes:
Stereodivergent Syntheses of E- and Z-Alkenylsilanes
with Heteroatom Substituents on Silicon
A. Mori, E. Takahisa, H. Kajiro, K. Hirabayashi, Y.
Nishihara, and T. Hiyama
Chem. Lett. 443-444 (1998).
- (21) Novel Cage Polycarbosilanes.& Preparation and
Characterization of Dodecamethyl-2,3,5,6,7,8-hexasilabicyclo[2.2.2]octane
and Its Derivatives
M. Shimizu, N. Inamasu, Y. Nishihara, and T.
Chem. Lett. 1145-1146 (1998).
- (86) Copper(I)-Catalyzed
Cross-Coupling Reaction of Alkynylsilanes with 1-Chloroalkynes
Y. Nishihara, K. Ikegashira, A. Mori, and T.
Tetrahedron Lett. 39, 4075-4078 (1998).
- (16) Bond Character between Iron and Phosphorus in Fe-P(E)YZ
(E = O, S, Y, Z = Alkoxy, Amino, Phenyl) As Inferred from
57Fe Mössbauer Measurements
H. Nakazawa, S. Ichimura, Y. Nishihara, K. Miyoshi,
S. Nakashima, and H. Sakai
Organometallics 17, 5061-5067 (1998).
- (11) Bis[bis(methylthio)lithiomethyl]dimethylsilanes: A
Useful Reagent for the Synthesis of Polysilacerbacycles via
M. Shimizu, M. Iwakubo, Y. Nishihara, and T.
Tetrahedron Lett. 39, 3193-3196 (1998).
- (14) Alkylation Methodology for the Synthesis of 1,4-Disilacyclohexanes
Using a,a’-Dilithiated
M. Shimizu, M. Iwakubo, Y. Nishihara, and T.
Tetrahedron Lett. 39, 3197-3200 (1998).
- (100) A Novel C-C Bond
Forming Reaction of Aryl- and Alkenylsilanols.& A
Halogen-Free Mizoroki-Heck Type Reaction
K. Hirabayashi, Y. Nishihara, A. Mori, and T.
Tetrahedron Lett. 39, 7893-7896 (1998).
- (41) A Facile Preparation
and Cyclopropanation of 1-Alkenylsilanols
K. Hirabayashi, E. Takahisa, Y. Nishihara,
A. Mori, and T. Hiyama
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 71, 2409-2417 (1998).
- (24) Synthesis and Optical Resolution of Novel Chiral
A. Mori, F. Toriyama, H. Kajiro, K. Hirabayashi, Y.
Nishihara, and T. Hiyama
Chem. Lett. 549-550 (1999).
- (7) Preparation and Characterization of Bis(cyclopentadienyl)zirconium(II)
Complexes with a Tethered Olefin-Phosphine Ligand
A. Yamazaki, Y. Nishihara, K. Nakajima, R. Hara,
and T. Takahashi
Organometallics 18, 3105-3108 (1999).
- (62) Conjugate Reduction of a,b-Unsaturated
Ketones with Hydrosilane Mediated by Copper(I) Salt
A. Mori, A. Fujita, H. Kajiro, Y. Nishihara, and T.
Tetrahedron 55, 4573-4582 (1999).
- (5) A Unique Chelating Effect of Sc(OTf)3 to
Organofluorine Compounds
H. Kajiro, A. Mori, Y. Nishihara, and T. Hiyama
Chem. Lett. 459-460 (1999).
- (178) A New Transformation
of Silanols. Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling with
Organic Halides in the Presence of Silver(I) Oxide
K. Hirabayashi, J. Kawashima, Y. Nishihara, A.
Mori, and T. Hiyama
Org. Lett. 1, 299-301 (1999).
- (50) A Coupling Reaction of
Aryltributyltin with Olefins Mediated by Palladium(II)
K. Hirabayashi, J. Ando, Y. Nishihara, A. Mori,
and T. Hiyama
Synlett 99-101 (1999).
- (35) Substituent Effect of 3,3,3-Trifluoropropyl
Group on Organic Silanols.& Palladium-Mediated
Mizoroki-Heck Type and Cross-Coupling Reactions
K. Hirabayashi, T. Kondo, F. Toriyama, Y. Nishihara,
and A. Mori
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 73, 749-750 (2000).
- (29) Stereodivergent Hydrosilylation of 1-Alkynes
Catalyzed by RhI(PPh3)3 Leading to
(E)- and (Z)-Alkenylsilanes and the
Application to Polymer Synthesis
A. Mori, E. Takahisa, H. Kajiro, Y. Nishihara, and
T. Hiyama
Polyhedron 19, 567-568 (2000).
- (72) Regio- and
Stereocontrolled Hydrosilylation Polyaddition Catalyzed
by RhI(PPh3)3. Syntheses of
Polymers Containing (E)- or (Z)-Alkenylsilane
A. Mori, E. Takahisa, H. Kajiro, Y. Nishihara, and
T. Hiyama
Macromolecules 33, 1115-1116 (2000).
- (177) Palladium-Catalyzed
Cross-Coupling of Silanols, Silanediol, and Silanetriols
Promoted by Silver(I) Oxide
K. Hirabayashi, A. Mori, J. Kawashima, M. Suguro, Y.
Nishihara, and T. Hiyama
J. Org. Chem. 65, 5342-5349 (2000).
- (77) Novel Carbon-Carbon
Bond Formation through Mizoroki-Heck Type Reaction of
Silanols and Organotin Compounds
K. Hirabayashi, J. Ando, J. Kawashima, Y. Nishihara,
A. Mori, and T. Hiyama
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 73, 1409-1417 (2000).
- (153)
Non-Sonogashira-Type Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling
Reactions of Terminal Alkynes Assisted by Silver(I) Oxide
or Tetrabutylammonium Fluoride
A. Mori, J. Kawashima, T. Shimada, M. Suguro, K.
Hirabayashi, and Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 2, 2935-2937 (2000).
- (50) Homo-Coupling Reactions
of Alkenyl- and Arylfluorosilanes Mediated by a Copper(I)
Y. Nishihara, K. Ikegashira, F. Toriyama, A. Mori,
and T. Hiyama
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 73, 985-990 (2000).
- (264) Coupling Reactions of
Alkynylsilanes Mediated by a Cu(I) Salt: Novel Syntheses
of Conjugate Diynes and Disubstituted Ethynes
Y. Nishihara, K. Ikegashira, K. Hirabayashi, J.
Ando, A. Mori, and T. Hiyama
J. Org. Chem. 65, 1780-1787 (2000).
- (47) A Novel Cross-Coupling
Polycondensation of Alkynylsilanes with Aryl Triflates
Catalyzed by CuCl/Pd(PPh3)4
Y. Nishihara, J. Ando, T. Kato, A. Mori, and T.
Macromolecules 33, 2779-2881 (2000).
- (26) Si-C Bond Activation of ArMe2SiOH
Promoted by a Bromoplatinum(II) Complex and Ag2O.
Aryl Group Transfer from Silicon to Platinum
N. Mintcheva, Y. Nishihara, M. Tanabe, K.
Hirabayashi, A. Mori, and K. Osakada
Organometallics 20, 1243-1246 (2001).
- (29) Preparation and Reactions of Monocyclic Bis(cyclopentadienyl)titanacyclopentenes
and -Pentadienes
K. Sato, Y. Nishihara, S. Huo, Z. Xi, and T.
J. Organomet. Chem. 633, 18-26 (2001).
- (50) Palladium-Catalyzed
Cross-Coupling Polycondensation of Bisalkynes with
Dihaloarenes Activated by Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide or
Silver(I) Oxide
A. Mori, T. Kondo, T. Kato, and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Lett. 286-287 (2001).
- (15) Isomerization of (Z)-Alkenylsilanes to (E)-Isomers
with Hydrosilane and RhI(PPh3)3
A. Mori, E. Takahisa, Y. Nishihara, and T. Hiyama
Can. J. Chem. 79, 1522-1524 (2001).
- (40) Hydrido-Rhodium(I) and
-Iridium(I) Complex Promoted Ring-Opening Isomerization
of Unsymmetrically Substituted Methylenecyclopropanes
into 1,3-Dienes. Structures of Intermediates and Reaction
Y. Nishihara, C. Yoda, and K. Osakada
Organometallics 20, 2124-2126 (2001).
- (9) Homo-Coupling Polycondensation of Bis(alkynylsilane)s
Mediated by Copper(I) Chloride. A New Synthesis of Poly(arylenebutadiynylene)s
Y. Nishihara, T. Kato, J. Ando, A. Mori, and T.
Chem. Lett. 950-951 (2001).
- (43) Reaction of
Alkynylsilanes with CuCl in Polar Solvents Leading to
Alkynyl Group Transfer from Si to Cu
Y. Nishihara, M. Takemura, A. Mori, and
K. Osakada
J. Organomet. Chem. 620, 282-286 (2001).
- (18) Reactions of HOSiMe2Ar with Pt-PPh3
Complexes Leading to Si-C Bond Activation or Formation of
a Siloxoplatinum Complex
N. Mintcheva, Y. Nishihara, A. Mori, and K.
J. Organomet. Chem. 629, 61-67 (2001).
- (19) Tetraarylpentaborates, [B5O6Ar4]-
(Ar = C6H4OMe-4, C6H3Me2-2,6):
Their Formation from the Reaction of Arylboronic Acids
with an Aryloxorhodium Complex, Structure and Chemical
Y. Nishihara, K. Nara, and K. Osakada
Inorg. Chem. 41, 4090-4092 (2002).
- (37) Structure and
Properties of Halogeno(hydrido)(triorganosilyl)rhodium(III)
Complexes, RhX(H)(SiR1nR23-n)(PPh3)2
(X = Cl, I; R1 = OSiMe3, OEt, R2
= Me). Influence of the Alkoxy Groups and Halo Ligand on
Stability and Reactivity of the Complexes
Y. Nishihara, M. Takemura, and K. Osakada
Organometallics 21, 825-831 (2002).
- (23) Platinum Complex-Catalyzed Hydrosilylation of 2,2-Diaryl-1-methylenecyclopropane
Affording (Silylmethyl)cyclopropane
Y. Nishihara, M. Itazaki, and K. Osakada
Tetrahedron Lett. 43, 2059-2061 (2002).
- (68) Platinum Complex
Catalyzed Hydrosilylation and Isomerization of
Methylenecyclopropane Derivatives. Effect of Structures
of the Substrate and Catalyst
M. Itazaki, Y. Nishihara, and K. Osakada
J. Org. Chem. 67, 6889-6895 (2002).
- (7) New Stable Complexes of Au(III) with Biuret: X-ray
Structure of cis-[Au(Biu)Br2]PPh4
and Ab Initio Investigation of cis-[Au(Biu)X2]-
N. Mintcheva, M. Mitewa, V. Enchev, and Y. Nishihara
J. Coord. Chem. 56, 299-305 (2003).
- (55) Synthesis and
Structural Characterization of the First Unsymmetrical
Diarylpalladium Complex trans-Pd(C6F5)(2,4,6-C6F3H2)(PEt3)2,
Derived from Transmetallation between 2,4,6-Trifluorophenylboronic
Acid and trans-Pd(C6F5)I(PEt3)2
Y. Nishihara, H. Onodera, and K. Osakada
Chem. Commun. 192-193 (2004).
- (49)
Syntheses of Dinuclear and Trinuclear Hydridoplatinum
Complexes with Bridging Phosphido Ligands [Pt2H2(m-PR2)2(PEt3)2]
(R = tBu, Ph) and [Pt3H2(m-PPh2)4(PEt3)2].
Characterization of the Triangular Intermediate [Pt3H(m-PPh2)3(PEt3)3]
and Its Chemical Properties
M. Itazaki, Y. Nishihara, and K. Osakada
Organometallics 23, 1610-1621 (2004).
- (109) Stereodivergent
Syntheses of (Z)- and (E)-Alkenylsilanes
via Hydrosilylation of Terminal Alkynes Catalyzed by
Rhodium(I) Iodide Complexes and Application to Silicon-Containing
Polymer Syntheses
A. Mori, E. Takahisa, Y. Yamamura, T. Kato, A. P.
Mudalige, H. Kajiro, K. Hirabayashi, Y. Nishihara,
and T. Hiyama
Organometallics 23, 1755-1765 (2004).
- (21) Cationic Rh Complexes with Novel Spiro
Tetraarylpentaborate Anions Prepared from Arylboronic
Acids and Aryloxorhodium Complexes
Y. Nishihara, K. Nara, Y. Nishide, and K. Osakada
Dalton Trans. 1366-1375 (2004).
- (28) C-C and C-H Bond Activation of
Dialkylmethylenecyclopropane Promoted by Rhodium and
Iridium Complexes. Preparation and Structures of M(h1:h2-CH2CR2CH=CH2)(CO)(PPh3)2
and trans-M(CH=CHCMeR2)(CO)(PPh3)2
(M = Rh, Ir, R = CH2CH2Ph)
M. Itazaki, C. Yoda, Y. Nishihara, and K.
Organometallics 23, 5402-5409 (2004).
- (41) Synthesis of
Symmetrical 1,3-Butadiynes by Homocoupling Reactions of
Alkynylboronates Mediated by a Copper Salt
Y. Nishihara, M. Okamoto, Y. Inoue, M.
Miyazaki, M. Miyasaka, and K. Takagi
Tetrahedron Lett. 46, 8661-8664 (2005).
- (22) Selective C-C Bond Activation of 2-Aryl-1-methylenecyclopropanes
Promoted by Ir(I) and Rh(I) Hydrido Complexes.
Mechanism of Ring-opening Isomerization of the Strained
Y. Nishihara, C. Yoda, M. Itazaki, and K. Osakada
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 78, 1469-1480 (2005). (Selected Paper)
- (36) Room-Temperature
Palladium-Catalyzed and Copper(I)-Mediated Coupling
Reactions of Acid Chlorides with Boronic Acids under
Neutral Conditions
Y. Nishihara, Y. Inoue, M. Fujisawa, and
K. Takagi
Synlett 2309-2312 (2005).
- (16) Ring-opening Isomerization of Methylenecyclopropanes
Catalyzed by Hydridorhodium(I) Complexes
M. Itazaki, Y. Nishihara, H. Takimoto, C.
Yoda, and K. Osakada
J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 241, 65-71 (2005).
- (0) Preparation of Pd(PPh2H)2(PPh3)2
and its Role as a Precursor of a Dinuclear Complex with
Bridging Phosphide Ligands
M. Itazaki, Y. Nishihara, and K. Osakada
Trans. Met. Chem., 30, 828-830 (2005).
- (101) Palladium-Catalyzed
Cyanoesterification of Norbornenes with Cyanoformates via
the NC-Pd-COOR (R = Me and Et) Intermediate
Y. Nishihara, Y. Inoue, M. Itazaki, and K. Takagi
Org. Lett. 7, 2639-2641 (2005).
- (14) Hexanuclear Pt Complexes Composed of Two Cyclic
Triplatinum Units Connected with 1,4-Diphenylene and 1,1'-Ferrocenylene
M. Itazaki, O. Kitami, M. Tanabe, Y. Nishihara,
and K. Osakada
J. Organomet. Chem. 670, 3957-3962 (2005).
- (6) Dinuclear Pt(II) and Pd(I) Complexes with Bridging
PPh2 Ligands from the Reaction of PPh2H
with Zero-valent Complexes of These Metals
M. Tanabe, M. Itazaki, O. Kitami, Y. Nishihara,
and K. Osakada
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 78, 1288-1290 (2005).
- (48) Diarylpalladium
Complexes with a Cis Structure. Formation via
Transmetalation of Arylboronic Acids with an
Aryliodopalladium Complex and Intramolecular Coupling of
the Aryl Ligands, Affording Unsymmetrical Biaryls
K. Osakada, H. Onodera, and Y. Nishihara
Organometallics 24, 190-192 (2005).
- (29) Arylplatinum Complexes with Arylboronato Ligand.
Preparation, Structure, and Relevance to Transmetalation
I. Pantcheva, Y. Nishihara, and K.
Organometallics 24, 3815-3817 (2005).
- (22) Synthesis of Functionalized Benzylsilanes from
Arylzinc Compounds and (Iodomethyl)trimethylsilanes by
Means of the Novel Catalysis by Rh
H. Takahashi, K. M. Hossain, Y. Nishihara, T.
Shibata, and K. Takagi
J. Org. Chem. 71, 671-675 (2006).
- (25) Novel Rh Catalysis in Cross-Coupling between Alkyl
Halides and Arylzinc Compounds Possessing ortho-COX
(X = OR, NMe2, or Ph) Groups
H. Takahashi, S. Inagaki, Y. Nishihara, T. Shibata,
and K. Takagi
Org. Lett. 8, 3037-3040 (2006).
- (58) Cyanoesterification of
Norbornenes Catalyzed by Palladium: Facile Synthetic
Methodology to Introduce Cyano and Ester Functionalities
via Direct Carbon-Carbon Bond Cleavage of Cyanoformates
Y. Nishihara, Y. Inoue, S. Izawa, M.
Miyasaka, K. Tanemura, K. Nakajima, and K.
Tetrahedron 62, 9872-9882 (2006).
- (47) Comparative Reactivity
of Exo- and Endo-Isomers in the Ru-Initiated
Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization of Doubly
Functionalized Norbornenes with Both Cyano and Ester
Y. Nishihara, Y. Inoue, Y. Nakayama, T.
Shiono, and K. Takagi
Macromolecules 39, 7458-7460 (2006).
- (88) Zirconocene-Mediated
Highly Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of
Multisubstituted Olefins Starting from 1-Alkynylboronates
Y. Nishihara, M. Miyasaka, M. Okamoto, H.
Takahashi, E. Inoue, K. Tanemura, and K. Takagi
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 12634-12635 (2007).
- (30) Preparation, Structures, and Thermal Reactivity of
Alkoxycarbonyl(cyano)palladium(II) Complexes, trans-Pd(COOR)(CN)(PPh3)2
(R = Me, Et, nPr. iPr,
nBu, tBu, and Bn)
as Intermediates of the Palladium-Catalyzed
Cyanoesterification of Norbornene Derivatives
Y. Nishihara, M. Miyasaka, Y. Inoue, T.
Yamaguchi, M. Kojima, and K. Takagi
Organometallics 26, 4054-4060 (2007).
- (15) Living Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization of Exo-Norbornenes
bearing Both Cyano and Ester Functionalities by a Well-Defined
Ruthenium Catalyst
Y. Nishihara, Y. Inoue, A. T. Saito, Y.
Nakayama, T. Shiono, and K. Takagi
Polymer J. 39, 318-329 (2007).
- (2) 1,1,3,3-Tetrakis(alkylthio)-1,3-dilithio-2-silapropanes:
Useful Reagents for the Synthesis of Polysilacycloalkanes
via Dianionic Ring Formation
M. Shimizu, M. Iwakubo, Y. Nishihara, K.
Oda, and T. Hiyama
ARKIVOC 29-48 (2007).
- (25) Synthesis, Characterization, and Thermal Properties
of Ring-Opening Metathesis Polynorbornenes and Their
Hydrogenated Derivatives bearing Various Ester and Cyano
Y. Nishihara, S. Izawa, Y. Inoue, Y.
Nakayama, T. Shiono, and K. Takagi
J. Poly. Sci. Part A: Pol. Chem. 46, 3314-3325 (2008).
- (8) Synthesis and Ion Conductive Characteristics of
Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Polymers bearing a
Tetraarylpentaborate Unit
Y. Nishihara, M. Miyazaki, Y. Tomita, Y.
Kadono, and K. Takagi
J. Poly. Sci. Part A: Pol. Chem. 46, 7913-7918 (2008).
- (37) Sila-Sonogashira Cross-Coupling Reactions of
Activated Aryl Chlorides with Alkynylsilanes
Y. Nishihara, E. Inoue, Y. Okada, and K.
Synlett 3041-3045 (2008).
- (11) Pd-P(t-Bu)3-Catalyzed Consecutive
Cross-Coupling of p-Phenylenedizinc Compound with
Two Different Electrophiles Leading to Unsymmetrically 1,4-Disubstituted
T. Kawamoto, S. Ejiri, K. Kobayashi, S. Odo, Y.
Nishihara, and K. Takagi
J. Org. Chem. 73, 1601-1604 (2008).
- (33) Rh-Catalyzed Negishi
Alkyl-Aryl Cross-Coupling Leading to a-
or b-Phosphoryl-Substituted
H. Takahashi, S. Inagaki, N. Yoshii, F. Gao, Y.
Nishihara, and K. Takagi
J. Org. Chem. 74, 2794-2797 (2009).
- (29) Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of Multi-Substituted
Vinylsilanes via Zirconacycles
Y. Nishihara, D. Saito, K. Tanemura, S.
Noyori, and K. Takagi
Org. Lett. 11, 3546-3549 (2009). Highlighted
in SYNFACTS, 1249 (2009).
- (675) Photocatalytic
Activities of Graphitic Carbon Nitride Powder for Water
Reduction and Oxidation under Visible Light
K. Maeda, X. Wang, Y. Nishihara, D. Lu,
M. Antonietti, and K. Domen
J. Phy. Chem. C. 113, 4940-4947 (2009).
- (53) Palladium/Copper-Catalyzed
Sila-Sonogashira Reactions of Aryl Iodides with
Alkynylsilanes via a Direct C-Si Bond Activation
Y. Nishihara, E. Inoue, D. Ogawa, Y.
Okada, S. Noyori, and K. Takagi
Tetrahedron Lett. 50, 4643-4646 (2009).
- (2) Development of New Methodology for Bond Activation by
Transition Metal Complexes and Their Application toward
Functional Molecule Synthesis
Y. Nishihara
J. Syn. Org. Chem. Jpn. (Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokaishi)
67, 889-897 (2009).
- (8) Comparative Reactivity of Triorganosilanes, HSi(OEt)3
and HSiEt3, with IrCl(CO)(PPh3)2.
Formation of IrCl(H)2(CO)(PPh3)2
or Ir(H)2(SiEt3)(CO)(PPh3)2
Depending on the Substituents at Si
Y. Nishihara, M. Takemura, and K.
Inorg. Chim. Acta 362, 2951-2956 (2009).
- (33) Palladium- and Base-Free
Synthesis of Conjugated Ynones by Cross-Coupling
Reactions of Alkynylboronates with Acid Chlorides
Mediated by CuCl
Y. Nishihara, D. Saito, E. Inoue, Y.
Okada, M. Miyazaki, Y. Inoue, and K. Takagi
Tetrahedron Lett. 51, 306-308 (2010). Highlighted
in SYNFACTS, 337 (2010).
- (28) Negishi Alkyl-Aryl Cross-Coupling Catalyzed by Rh:
Efficiency of Novel Tripodal 3-Diphenylphosphino-2-(diphenylphosphino)methyl-2-methylpropyl
Acetate Ligand
S. Ejiri, S. Odo, H. Takahashi, Y. Nishimura, K. Gotoh, Y.
Nishihara, and K. Takagi
Org. Lett. 12, 1692-1695 (2010).
- (12) Enantioseparation of Doubly Functionalized Polar
Norbornenes by HPLC and Their Ruthenium-Catalyzed Ring-Opening
Metathesis Polymerization
Y. Nishihara, Y. Doi, S. Izawa, H.-Y. Li,
Y. Inoue, M. Kojima, J.-T. Chen, and K. Takagi
J. Poly. Sci. Part A: Pol. Chem. 48, 485-491 (2010).
- (31) Rh-Catalyzed Carbonylation of Arylzinc Compounds
Yielding Symmetrical Diaryl Ketones by the Assistance of
Oxidizing Agents
K. Kobayashi, Y. Nishimura, F. Gao, K. Gotoh, Y.
Nishihara, and K. Takagi
J. Org. Chem. 76, 1949-1952 (2011).
- (86) Iron-Catalyzed
Oxidation of Tertiary Amines: Synthesis of β-1,3-Dicarbonyl
Aldehydes by Three-Component C-C Couplings
W. Liu, J. Liu, D. Ogawa, Y. Nishihara,
X. Guo, and Z. Li
Org. Lett. 13, 6272-6275. (2011).
- (5) Improvement in Sulfur Desorption of NOx Storage and
Reduction Catalysts using a Ba-Ti Composite Oxide
T. Tanaka, I. Tajima, Y. Kato, Y. Nishihara,
and H. Shinjoh
Appl. Catal. B-Environ. 102, 620-626 (2011).
- (51) Highly Regio- and
Stereoselective Synthesis of Multi-alkylated Olefins
through Carbozirconation of Alkynylboronates and
Sequential Negishi and Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling Reactions
Y. Nishihara, Y. Okada, J. Jiao, M
Suetsugu, M-T. Lan, M. Kinoshita, M. Iwasaki, and K.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50, 8660-8664 (2011).
- (37) Copper-Catalyzed Sila-Sonogashira-Hagihara
Cross-Coupling Reactions of Alkynylsilanes with Aryl
Iodides under Palladium-Free Conditions
Y. Nishihara, S. Noyori, T. Okamoto, M.
Suetsugu, and M. Iwasaki
Chem. Lett. 40, 972-974 (2011).
- (32) Synthesis of Unsymmetrically Disubstituted Ethynes
by the Palladium/Copper(I)-Cocatalyzed Sila- Sonogashira-Hagihara
Coupling Reactions of Alkynylsilanes with Aryl Iodides,
Bromides, and Chlorides through a Direct Activation of a
Carbon-Silicon Bond
Y. Nishihara, E. Inoue, S. Noyori, D. Ogawa, Y.
Okada, M. Iwasaki, and K. Takagi
Tetrahedron 68, 4869-4881 (2012).
- (17) Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Diarylethynes by Pd(0)/Cu(I)-cocatalyzed
Sila-Sonogashira-Hagihara Coupling Reactions of
Alkynylsilanes with Aryl Tosylates or Mesylates
Y. Nishihara, D. Ogawa, S. Noyori, and M.
Chem. Lett. 41, 1503-1505. (2012).
- (35) Alkynylboron Compounds in Organic Synthesis
J. Jiao and Y. Nishihara
J. Organomet. Chem. 721-722, 3-16 (2012) (Special issue on "the 75th
birthday of Prof. T. P. Fehlner")
- (14) A Novel Three-Component Coupling Reaction of Arynes,
Isocyanides, and Cyanoformates: A Straightforward Access
to Cyano-Substituted Iminoisobenzofurans
J. Li, S. Noyori, M. Iwasaki, K.
Nakajima, and Y. Nishihara
Heterocycles 86, 933-940 (2012). (Special issue on "the 77th birthday
of Prof. E. Negishi")
- (37) Synthesis of Substituted Picenes through Pd-Catalyzed
Cross-Coupling Reaction/Annulation Sequences and Their
Physicochemical Properties
N. Chang, X. Chen, H. Nonobe, Y. Okuda, H. Mori, K.
Nakajima, and Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 15, 3558-3561 (2013).
- (24) Synthesis of Substituted [6]Phenacenes through
Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling of Polyhalobenzene with
Alkenylboronates and Sequential Intramolecular
Cyclization via C-H Bond Activation
N. Chang, H. Mori, X. Chen, Y. Okuda, T. Okamoto, and Y.
Chem. Lett. 42, 1257-1259 (2013).
- (43) Synthesis of
Multisubstituted Olefins through Regio- and
Stereoselective Silylborylation of an Alkynylboronate/
Chemoselective Cross-Coupling Sequences
J. Jiao, K. Nakajima, and Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 15, 3294-3297 (2013). Highlighted in SYNFACTS, 1104 (2013).
- (19) Synthesis of Cyclic 1-Alkenylboronates via Zr-Mediated
Double Functionalization of Alkynylboronates and
Sequential Ru-Catalyzed Ring-Closing Olefin Metathesis
Y. Nishihara, M. Suetsugu, D. Saito, M.
Kinoshita, and M. Iwasaki
Org. Lett. 15,2418-2421 (2013).
- (30) Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene:
A New Picene-type Molecule for Transistor Applications
Y. Nishihara, M. Kinoshita, K. Hyodo,
Y. Okuda, R. Eguchi, H. Goto, S. Hamao, Y.
Takabayashi, and Y. Kubozono
RSC Adv. 3, 19341-19347 (2013).
- (4) Palladium-Free Synthesis of Unsymmetrical
Diarylethynes by Cross-Coupling Reaction of
Alkynylboronates with Aryl Iodides Catalyzed by CuCl
D. Ogawa, J. Li, M. Suetsugu, J. Jiao, M. Iwasaki, and Y.
Tetrahedron Lett. 54, 518-521 (2013).
- (55) Palladium-Catalyzed
Annulation of o-Iodobiphenyls with o-Bromobenzyl Alcohols:
Synthesis of Functionalized Triphenylenes via C-C and C-H
Bond Cleavages
M. Iwasaki, S. Iino, and Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 15, 5326-5329 (2013).
- (32) Palladium-Catalyzed and
Copper-Mediated Cross-Coupling Reaction of Aryl- or
Alkenylboronic Acids with Acid Chlorides under Neutral
Conditions: Efficient Synthetic Methods for Diaryl
Ketones and Chalcones at Room Temperature
D. Ogawa, K. Hyodo, M. Suetsugu, J. Li, Y. Inoue, M.
Fujisawa, M. Iwasaki, K. Takagi, and Y. Nishihara
Tetrahedron 69, 2565-2571 (2013).
- (60) Transistor Application
of Phenacene Molecules and Their Characteristics
Y. Kubozono, X. He, S. Hamao, K. Teranishi, H. Goto, R.
Eguchi, T. Kambe, S. Gohda, and Y. Nishihara
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 3806-3819 (2014).
- (11) The Origin of Exo-Selectivity in Methyl
Cyanoformate Addition onto the C=C Bond of Norbornene in
Pd-Catalyzed Cyanoesterification
Y. Okuda, R. K. Szilagyi, S. Mori, and Y.
Dalton Trans. 9537-9548
- (1) Synthesis, Structure, and Isomerization of
Alkoxycarbonyl(chloro)(cyano)rhodium(III) Complexes, mer-RhCl(CO2R)(CN)(PMe3)3
(R = Me, Et, nPr, iPr, nBu,
and Bn) through C-C Bond Cleavage of Cyanoformates
Y. Okuda, T. Okamoto, A. Yamamoto, J. Li, K. Nakajima,
and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Lett. 43, 417-419 (2014).
- (33) Synthesis of Methoxy-Substituted Picenes:
Substitution Position Effect on Their Electronic and
Single-Crystal Structures
H. Mori, X. Chen, N. Chang, S. Hamao, Y. Kubozono, K.
Nakajima, and Y. Nishihara
J. Org. Chem. 79, 4973-4983 (2014).
- (30) Synthesis of 2,9-Dialkylated phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophenes
via Cross-Coupling Reactions and Sequential Lewis Acid-Catalyzed
Regioselective Cycloaromatization of Epoxide
K. Hyodo, H. Nonobe, S. Nishinaga, and Y.
Tetrahedron Lett. 55, 4002-4005 (2014).
- (9) Skeletal Rearrangement of Cyano-Substituted
Iminoisobenzofurans into Alkyl 2-Cyanobenzoates Catalyzed
by B(C6F5)3
J. Li, Y. Okuda, J. Zhao, S. Mori, and Y.
Org. Lett. 16, 5220-5223 (2014).
- (48)
Selective Synthesis of Multisubstituted Olefins Utilizing
gem- and vic-Diborylated
Vinylsilanes Prepared bySilylborylation of an
Alkynylboronate and Diborylation of Alkynylsilanes
J. Jiao, K. Hyodo, H. Hu, K. Nakajima, and Y.
J. Org. Chem. 79, 285-295 (2014).
- (51) Palladium-Catalyzed
Regio- and Stereoselective Chlorothiolation of Terminal
Alkynes with Sulfenyl Chlorides
M. Iwasaki, T. Fujii, A. Yamamoto, K. Nakajima, and Y.
Chem. Asian J. 9, 58-62 (2014). (Front
Cover Picture)
- (140) Palladium-Catalyzed peri-Selective
Chalcogenation of Naphthylamines with Diaryl Disulfides
and Diselenides via C-H Bond Cleavage
M. Iwasaki, W. Kaneshika, Y. Tsuchiya, K. Nakajima, and Y.
J. Org. Chem. 79, 11330-11338 (2014). (Featured
- (149) Palladium-Catalyzed
Direct Thiolation of Aryl C-H Bonds with Disulfides
M. Iwasaki, M. Iyanaga, Y. Tsuchiya, Y. Nishimura, W. Li,
Z. Li, and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Eur. J. 20, 2459-2462 (2014).
- (19) A New Entry to the Synthesis of α-Iminonitriles by
Lewis Acid-Mediated Isomerization of Cyano-substituted
Iminoisobenzofurans Prepared by Palladium-Catalyzed Three-component
Coupling of Arynes, Isocyanides, and Cyanoformates
J. Li, S. Noyori, K. Nakajima, and Y. Nishihara
Organometallics 33, 3500-3507 (2014).
- (78) Iron-Induced Regio- and
Stereoselective Addition of Sulfenyl Chlorides to Alkynes
via a Radical Pathway
M. Iwasaki, T. Fujii, K. Nakajima, and Y.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 13880-13884 (2014).
- (9) Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Platinum-Mediated
Selective C(sp)-Si Bond Cleavage of Alkynylsilanes
Y. Okuda, Y. Ishiguro, S. Mori, K. Nakajima, and Y.
Organometallics 33, 1878-1889 (2014).
- (46) Diborylation of Alkynyl
MIDA Boronates and Sequential Chemoselective Suzuki-Miyaura
Couplings: A Formal Carboborylation of Alkynes
K. Hyodo, M. Suetsugu, and Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 16, 440-443 (2014). Highlighted in SYNFACTS, 409 (2014).
- (98) Chelate-Assisted Direct
Selenation of Aryl C-H Bonds with Diselenides Catalyzed
by Palladium
M. Iwasaki, Y. Tsuchiya, K. Nakajima, and Y.
Org. Lett. 16, 4920-4923 (2014).
- (24) Transistor Application of New Picene-type Molecules,
2,9-Dialkylated Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophenes
Y. Kubozono, K. Hyodo, H. Mori, S. Hamao, H. Goto, and Y.
J. Mater. Chem. C.3, 2413-2421 (2015).
- (16) Synthesis, Characterization, and Solar Cell and
Transistor Applications of Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene-Diketopyrrolopyrrole
Semiconducting Polymer
H. Mori, M. Suetsugu, S. Nishinaga, N. Chang, H. Nonobe,
Y. Okuda, and Y. Nishihara
J. Poly. Sci. Part A: Pol. Chem. 53, 709-718 (2015).
(Inside Cover Picture)
- (50) Synthesis of
Multisubstituted Triphenylenes and Phenanthrenes by
Cascade Reaction of o-Iodobiphenyls or (Z)-β-Halostyrenes
with o-Bromobenzyl Alcohols through Two Sequential C-C
Bond Formations Catalyzed by a Palladium Complex
M. Iwasaki, Y. Araki, S. Iino, and Y. Nishihara
J. Org. Chem. 80, 9247-9263 (2015).
- (30) Phenanthrodithiophene-Isoindigo Copolymers: Effect
of Side Chains on Their Molecular Order and Solar Cell
S. Nishinaga, H. Mori, and Y. Nishihara
Macromolecules 48, 2875-2885 (2015).
- (10) Impact of Alkyl Side Chains on Thin-Film Transistor
Performances in Phenanthrodithiophene-Isoindigo
S. Nishinaga, H. Mori, and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Lett. 44, 998-1000 (2015).
- (12) A Divergent Synthesis of 3,10-Dialkylpicenes
X. Chen, S. Nishinaga, Y. Okuda, J. Zhao, J. Xu, H. Mori,
and Y. Nishihara
Org. Chem. Front. 3, 536-541 (2015). (Special
issue on the 80th birthday of Prof. E. Negishi)
- (10) Transistor Properties of 2,7-Dialkyl-Substituted
Y. Kubozono, K. Hyodo, S. Hamao, Y. Shimo, H. Mori, and Y.
Sci. Rep. 6, 38535 (2016).
- (7) The Molecular Mechanism of Palladium-Catalysed
Cyanoesterification of Methyl Cyanoformate onto
T. Ishitsuka, Y. Okuda, R. K. Szilagyi, S. Mori, and Y.
Dalton Trans. 45, 7786-7793 (2016).
- (18) Synthesis of Multi-Substituted Olefins through Regio-
and Stereoselective Addition of Inter-Element Compounds
having B-Si, B-B, and Cl-S Bonds to Alkynes, and
Subsequent Cross-Coupling
M. Iwasaki and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Rec. 16, 2031-2045 (2016).
- (39) Palladium-Catalyzed Regio- and Stereoselective
Carbothiolation of Terminal Alkynes with Azolyl Sulfides
M. Iwasaki, N. Topolovcan, H. Hu, Y. Nishimura, G. Gagnot,
Rungsaeng. Na nakorn, R. Yuvacharaskul, K. Nakajima, and Y.
Org. Lett. 18, 1642-1645 (2016).
- (50) Palladium-Catalysed
Direct Thiolation and Selenation of Aryl C-H Bonds
Assisted by Directing Groups
M. Iwasaki and Y. Nishihara
Dalton Trans. 45, 15278-15284 (2016).
- (1) Highly Selective Synthesis of Multi-substituted
Olefins Mediated by Zirconocene Complexes
K. Hyodo and Y. Nishihara
J. Syn. Org. Chem. Jpn. (Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokaishi)
74, 792-802 (2016).
- (25) Highly Crystalline, Low Band-Gap Semiconducting
Polymers Based on Phenanthrodithiophenebenzothiadiazole
for Solar Cells and Transistors
H. Mori, H. Nonobe, and Y. Nishihara
Polym. Chem. 7, 1549-1558 (2016). (Front Cover Picture)
- (69) Synthesis of
Benzoisoselenazolone Derivatives by Nickel-Catalyzed
Dehydrogenative Direct Selenation of C(sp2)-H
Bonds with Elemental Selenium in Air
M. Iwasaki, N. Miki, Y. Tsuchiya, K. Nakajima, and
Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 19, 1092-1095 (2017).
- (11) Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Piceno[4,3-b:9,10-b’]dithiophene
Derivatives and Their Application in Organic Field-Effect
K. Hyodo, R. Toyama, H. Mori, and Y. Nishihara
ACS Omega 2, 308-315 (2017).
- (19) Solar Cell Performance of Phenanthrodithiophene-Isoindigo
Copolymers Depends on Their Thin-Film Structure and
Molecular Weight
H. Mori, S. Hara, S. Nishinaga, and Y. Nishihara
Macromolecules 50, 4639-4648 (2017).
- (24) Phenanthrene Synthesis by Palladium-Catalyzed
Benzannulation with o-Bromobenzyl Alcohols through
Multiple Carbon-Carbon Bond Formations
M. Iwasaki, Y. Araki, and Y. Nishihara
J. Org. Chem. 82, 6242-6258 (2017).
- (10) Bis[1]benzothieno[2,3-d:2',3'-d']anthra[1,2-b:5,6-b']dithiophene:
synthesis, characterization, and application to organic
field-effect transistors
K. Hyodo, H. Hagiwara, R. Toyama, H. Mori, S.-i. Soga,
and Y. Nishihara
RSC Adv. 7, 6089-6092 (2017).
- (15) Synthesis of a 1,2-Dithienylethene-Containing Donor-Acceptor
Polymer via Palladium-Catalyzed Direct Arylation
Polymerization (DArP)
M. Wakioka, N. Yamashita, H. Mori, Y. Nishihara,
and F. Ozawa
Molecules 23, 981-990 (2018).
- (4) Synthesis and Transistor Characteristics of Dinaphtho[2,3-d:2’,3’-d’]anthra[1,2-b:5,6-b’]dithiophene
S. Nishinaga, Y. Sawanaka, R. Toyama, T. Ishida, H. Mori,
and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Lett. 47, 1409-1411 (2018).
- (15) Synthesis and Transistor Application of Bis[1]benzothieno[6,7-d:6',7'-d']benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophenes
S. Nishinaga, H. Mori, and Y. Nishihara
J. Org. Chem. 83, 5506-5515 (2018).
- (30) Regioselective Synthesis of γ-Lactones by Iron-Catalyzed
Radical Annulation of Alkenes with α-Halocarboxylic
Acids and Their Derivatives
M. Iwasaki, N. Miki, Y. Ikemoto, Y. Ura, and Y.
Org. Lett. 20, 3848-3852 (2018).
- (18) Phenanthrodithiophene (PDT)-Difluorobenzothiadiazole
(DFBT) Copolymers: Effect on Molecular Orientation and
Solar Cell Performance of Alkyl Substitution onto a PDT
H. Mori, R. Takahashi, K. Hyodo, S. Nishinaga, Y.
Sawanaka, and Y. Nishihara
Macromolecules 51, 1357-1369 (2018).
- (62) Nickel-catalysed
decarbonylative borylation of aroyl fluorides
Z. Wang, X. Wang, and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Commun. 13969-13972 (2018).
- (53) Nickel-Catalyzed
Decarbonylative Alkylation of Aroyl Fluorides Assisted by
Lewis-Acidic Organoboranes
Y. Okuda, J. Xu, T. Ishida, C. Wang, and Y. Nishihara
ACS Omega 3, 13129-13140 (2018).
- (9) Low-bandgap semiconducting polymers based on sulfur-containing
phenacene-type molecules for transistor and solar cell
H. Mori and Y. Nishihara
Polymer J. 50, 615-625 (2018).
- (8) Efficient Synthesis and Properties of [1]Benzothieno[3,2-b]thieno[2,3-d]furans
and [1]Benzothieno[3,2-b]thieno[2,3-d]thiophenes
Y. Kurimoto, K. Mitsudo, H. Mandai, A. Wakamiya, Y.
Murata, H. Mori, Y. Nishihara, and S. Suga
Asian J. Org. Chem. 7, 1635-1641 (2018).
- (3) Effect of Substitution Positions of Alkyl Side Chains
in Phenanthrodithiophene-Isoindigo Copolymers: The
Enhancement of Crystallinity and Control of Molecular
H. Mori, S. Hara, R. Toyama, Y. Asanuma, R. Takahashi, S.
Nishinaga, and Y. Nishihara
J. Poly. Sci. Part A: Pol. Chem. 56, 1757-1767 (2018).
- (1) Direct Thiolation and Selenation of Aryl C─H Bonds
Catalyzed by Palladium or Nickel
M. Iwasaki, and Y. Nishihara
J. Syn. Org. Chem. Jpn. (Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokaishi) 76,
11-20 (2018).
- (3) Development of a Phenanthrodithiophene-Difluorobenzoxadiazole
Copolymer Exhibiting High Open-Circuit Voltage in Organic
Solar Cells
H. Mori, R. Takahashi, and Y. Nishihara
J. Poly. Sci. Part A: Pol. Chem. 56, 2646-2655 (2018).
- (16) Alkoxy-Substituted Anthra[1,2-c:5,6-c']bis([1,2,5]-thiadiazole)
(ATz): a New Electron-Acceptor Unit in the Semiconducting
Polymers for Organic Electronics
H. Mori, S. Nishinaga, R. Takahashi, and Y. Nishihara
Macromolecules 51, 5473-5484 (2018).
- (12) Vinylene-bridged difluorobenzo[c][1,2,5]-thiadiazole
(FBTzE): a new electron-deficient building block for high-performance
semiconducting polymers in organic electronics
Y. Asanuma, H. Mori, R. Takahashi, and Y. Nishihara
J. Mater. Chem. C, 7, 905-916 (2019).
- (5) Transistor Properties of Semiconducting Polymers
Based on Vinylene-bridged Difluorobenzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazole
Y. Asanuma, H. Mori, and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Lett. 48, 1029-1031 (2019).
- (12) Synthesis of 2-Substituted Propenes by Bidentate
Phosphine-Assisted Methylenation of Acyl Fluorides and
Acyl Chlorides with AlMe3
X. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Asanuma, and Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 21, 3640-3643 (2019).
- (10) Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Dibenzo[2,3-d:2',3'-d']anthra[1,2-b:5,6-b']dithiophene
(DBADT) and Its Derivatives: Effect of Substituents on
Their Molecular Orientation and Transistor Properties
K. Hyodo, S. Nishinaga, Y. Sawanaka, T. Ishida, H. Mori,
and Y. Nishihara
J. Org. Chem. 84, 698-709 (2019).
- (17) PPh3‐Assisted Esterification of Acyl Fluorides
with Ethers via C(sp3)-O Bond Cleavage Accelerated by
Z. Wang, X. Wang, and Y. Nishihara
Catalysts 9, 574 (2019). (Special
issue on "C&FC2018")
- (48) Nickel/copper-cocatalyzed
decarbonylative silylation of acyl fluorides
X. Wang, Z. Wang, and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Commun. 55, 10507-10510 (2019). (Inside Front Cover Picture)
- (33) Nickel-Catalyzed Decarbonylative Stannylation of
Acyl Fluorides under Ligand-Free Conditions
X. Wang, Z. Wang, L. Liu, Y. Asanuma, and Y. Nishihara
Molecules 24, 1671 (2019). (Special
issue on "Nickel Complexes for Catalysis")
- (28) Nickel-Catalyzed Decarbonylative Cyanation of Acyl
Z. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Ura, and Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 21, 6779-6784 (2019).
- (6) Copper-catalyzed Regioselective Chloroamination of
Alkenes with Chlorotrimethylsilane and N-Fluorobenzenesulfonimide
under Microwave-assisted Conditions
M. Iwasaki, J. Xu, Y. Tani, L. Fu, Y. Ikemoto, Y. Ura,
and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Lett. 48, 281-284 (2019).
- (14) Copper-Catalyzed Regioselective Aminothiolation of
Alkenes with N-Fluorobenzenesulfonimide and Thiols
through Three-Component Radical Coupling
M. Iwasaki, K. Nonaka, S. Zou, Y. Sawanaka, T. Shinozaki,
T. Fujii, K. Nakajima, and Y. Nishihara
J. Org. Chem. 84, 15373-15379 (2019).
- (5) Bis[1]benzothieno[5,4-d:5',4'-d']benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophene
Derivatives: Synthesis and Effect of Sulfur Positions on
Their Transistor Properties
S. Nishinaga, M. Mitani, H. Mori, T. Okamoto, J. Takeya,
and Y. Nishihara
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 92, 1107-1116 (2019).
- (15) Synthesis of Oxygen-Containing Heterocyclic
Compounds by Iron-Catalyzed Alkylative Cyclization of
Unsaturated Carboxylic Acids and Alcohols
M. Iwasaki, Y. Kazao, T. Ishida, and Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 22, 7343-7347 (2020).
- (9) Synthesis of Dinaphtho[2,3-d:2’,3’d’]anthra[1,2-b:5,6-b’dithiophene
(DNADT) Derivatives: Effect of Alkyl Chains on Transistor
T. Ishida, Y. Sawanaka, R. Toyama, Z. Ji, H. Mori, and Y.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 2447 (2020). (Special issue on "Organic Field-Effect
Transistors Based on Molecule Structure")
- (9) Synthesis of 2-Isoxazoline N-Oxides by Copper-Mediated
Radical Annulation of Alkenes with -Nitrobenzyl Bromides
M. Iwasaki, Y. Ikemoto, and Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 22, 7577-7580 (2020).
- (1) Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of 2,7-Disubstituted
Z. Ji, Z. Cheng, H. Mori, and Y. Nishihara
Molecules 25, 3842 (2020).
(Special issue on "Polysulfur- and Sulfur-Nitrogen
- (5) Syntheses of polynorbornadienes by ring-opening
metathesis polymerization of symmetric and non-symmetric
2,3-bis(alkoxycarbonyl)norbornadienes and their
conversion to half-ester derivatives
J. Shi, Y. Hayashishita, T. Takata, Y. Nishihara,
and S. Niwayama
Org. Biomol. Chem. 18, 6634-6642 (2020). (Front Cover Picture)
- (24) Palladium/copper-cocatalyzed decarbonylative
alkynylation of acyl fluorides with alkynylsilanes:
Synthesis of unsymmetrical dia-rylethynes
Q. Chen, L. Fu, and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Commun. 56, 7977-7980 (2020).
- (28) Palladium-Catalyzed Decarbonylative Alkylation of
Acyl Fluorides
L. Fu, Q. Chen, Z. Wang, and Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 22, 2350-2353 (2020).
- (46) Nickel or Palladium-Catalyzed Decarbonylative
Transformations of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Z. Wang, X. Wang, and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Asian J. 15, 1234-1247 (2020).
- (3) Methoxylation of Acyl Fluorides with Tris(2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl)phosphine
via C-OMe Bond Cleavage under Metal-Free Conditions
X. Wang, Z. Wang, T. Ishida, and Y. Nishihara
J. Org. Chem. 85, 7526-7533 (2020).
- (0) Efficient Synthesis of π-Conjugated Organic
Molecules Utilizing Cross-Coupling Reactions and
Application to Electronic Devices
Y. Nishihara
J. Syn. Org. Chem. Jpn. (Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokaishi)
78, 867-874 (2020). (Award Account)
- (11) Decarboxylative Cross-Coupling of Acyl Fluorides
with Potassium Perfluorobenzoates
L. Fu, Q. Chen, and Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 22, 6388-6393 (2020).
- (3) Synthesis and reactivity of boryloxorhodiumcomplexes.
Relevance to intermolecular tansmetalation from boron to
rhodium in Rh-catalyzed reactions
Y. Nishihara, Y. Nishide, and K. Osakada
Dalton Trans. 50, 3610-3615 (2021).
- (37) Recent Advances in Transition-metal-catalyzed C-C
Bond Formation via C(sp2)-F Bond
L. Fu, Q. Chen, and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Rec. 21, 3394-3410 (2021). (Special issue on "Recent Advances
in Transition-Metal Catalysis")
- (8) Palladium-catalyzed decarbonylative and
decarboxylative cross-coupling of acyl chlorides with
potassium perfluorobenzoates affording unsymmetrical
L. Fu, J. You, and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Commun. 57, 3696-3699 (2021).
- (7) Nickel-Catalyzed Decarbonylative Thioetherification
of Acyl Fluorides via C-F Bond Activation
J. You, Q. Chen, and Y. Nishihara
Synthesis 53, 3045-3050 (2021).
(Special issue on "Bond Activation in Honor of Prof.
Shinji Murai")
- (8) Ni-Catalyzed Decarbonylative Alkynylation of Acyl
Fluorides with Terminal Alkynes under Copper-Free
Q. Chen, L. Fu, J. You, and Y. Nishihara
Synlett 32, 1560-1564 (2021). (Special issue on "Modern Nickel-catalyzed
- (36) Iron-catalysed radical cyclization to synthesize
germanium-substituted indolo[2,1-a]isoquinolin-6(5H)-ones
and indolin-2-ones
Y. Luo, T. Tian, Y. Nishihara, L. Lv, and Z. Li
Chem. Commun. 57, 9276-9279 (2021).
- (2) Formation of trans-Poly(thienylenevinylene)
Thin Films by Solid-State Thermal Isomerization
M. Wakioka, N. Yamashita, H. Mori, R. Murdey, T. Shimoaka,
N. Shioya, A. Wakamiya, Y. Nishihara, T. Hasegawa,
and F. Ozawa
Chem. Mater. 33, 5631-5638 (2021).
- (18) Transmetalation of boronic acids and their
derivatives: mechanistic elucidation and relevance to
K. Osakada and Y. Nishihara
Dalton Trans. 51, 777-796 (2022).
- (9) Palladium/Copper-Cocatalyzed Arylsilylation of
Internal Alkynes with Acyl Fluorides and Silylboranes:
Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Alkenylsilanes by Three-Component
Coupling Reaction
Q. Chen, Z. Li, and Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 24, 385-389 (2022).
- (4) Effects of Acyloxy Groups in Anthrabisthiadiazole-Based
Semiconducting Polymers on Electronic Properties, Thin-Film
Structure, and Solar Cell Performances
H. Mori, Y. Yamada, Y. Minagawa, N. Hasegawa, and Y.
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 95, 942-952 (2022).
- (18) Recent Advances in C-F Bond Activation of Acyl
Fluorides Directed toward Catalytic Transformation by
Transition Metals, N-Heterocyclic Carbenes, or Phosphines
T. Tian, Q. Chen, Z. Li, and Y. Nishihara
Synthesis 54, 3667-3697 (2022).
- (2) π-Extended Zigzag-Shaped Diphenanthrene-Based P-Type
Semiconductors Exhibiting Small Effective Masses
M. Mitani, S.Kumagai, C. P. Yu, A. Oi, M. Yamagishi, S.
Nishinaga, Hi. Mori, Y. Nishihara, D. Hashizume, T.
Kurosawa, H. Ishii, N. Kobayashi, J. Takeya, and T.
Adv. Electron. Mater. 2200452 (2022).
- (11) Nickel-Catalyzed Decarbonylative Reductive
Alkylation of Aroyl Fluorides with Alkyl Bromides
Q. Chen, J. You, T. Tian, Z. Li, M. Kashihara, H. Mori,
and Y. Nishihara
Org. Lett. 24, 9259-9263 (2022).
- (1) Synthesis and solar cell applications of
semiconducting polymers based on vinylene-bridged 5-alkoxy-6-fluorobenzo[c][1,2,5]
thiadiazole (FOBTzE)
H. Mori, Y. Asanuma, R. Hosogi, Y. Nishihara
Polymer J. 55, 405-415 (2023).
- (1) Carboazidation of Terminal Alkenes with
Trimethylsilyl Azide and Cyclic Ethers Catalyzed by
Copper Powder under Oxidative Conditions
Y. Ikemoto, S. Chiba, Z. Li, Q. Chen, H. Mori, and Y.
J. Org. Chem. 88, 4472-4480 (2023).
- (0) Synthesis,Characterization, and Solar Cell
Applications of a Non-fused-Ring Electron Acceptor Based
on Vinylene-Bridged Difluorobenzothiadiazole
H. Mori, N. Hasegawa, T. Yoshino, and Y. Nishihara
Chem. Lett. 52, 779-782 (2023).
- (0) Alkoxy-Substituted Anthrabisthiadiazole-Benzodithiophene-Based
Wide-Band-Gap Semiconducting Polymers for High-Performance
Non-Fullerene Solar Cells
H. Mori, R. Hosogi, Y. Minagawa, H. Yamane, and Y.
ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 6, 3883-3893 (2024).
- (0) Palladium-Catalyzed Decarbonylative Nucleophilic
Halogenation of Acyl Fluorides and Chlorides: Synthesis
of Aryl Halides via Reductive Elimination of the C-X (X =
I, Br, and Cl) Bond and Mechanistic Implications
T. Tian, M. Kashihara, W. Yan, and Y. Nishihara
ACS Catal. 14, 11905-11917 (2024).
- (0) A Highly Efficient Cross-Coupling Mode via the
Release of Small Molecules: Transition Metal-Catalyzed
Unimolecular Fragment Coupling (UFC)
T. Tian, S. Uei, Z. Li, and Y. Nishihara
ChemCatChem e202401190 (2024).
- (0) Thiophene-Fused Fulminenes (FuDTs): Promising
Platforms for High-Mobility Organic Semiconductors with a
Zigzag Shape
S. Kumagai, T. Ishida, S. Kakiuchi, M. Yamagishi, H. Sato,
H. Ishii, Y. Nishihara, and T. Okamoto
Chem. Commun. 11152-11155 (2024).
- Routes to Transition Metal-Boron Bonds. Some
Principles and Practices
T. P. Fehlner, A. K. Bandyopadhyay, C.-S. Jun, Y.
Nishihara, and K. J. Deck
Spec. Publ. - R. Soc. Chem. 143, 263-268 (1994).
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- 官能基導入による光学樹脂の合成法(第2章,第6節)
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- 有機電解質系(第3章,第3節,第1項)
171-179 (2008).
- 含ホウ素有機−無機ハイブリッド全固体電解質の研究開発(第1編,第1章,第4節,第5項)
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- アルキニルボロン酸エステルの変換反応
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- 二置換型ポリノルボルネンの合成−電子光学材料の透明性・耐熱性向上を目指して(第4章,3)
181-189 (2011).
- Applied Cross-Coupling Reactions (Lecture Notes in
Chemistry 80)
Yasushi Nishihara (Editor)
SpringerーVerlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).
- 炭素または水素原子で結合した共有結合性X型配位子(3章)、配位子への求核攻撃(11章)
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- 有機ジルコニウム化合物 (19.2.3)
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- TiB3C2N2O を始めとするチタン、ジルコニウム錯体14種類
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- 高性能有機薄膜太陽電池の開発を目指したフェナセン系高性能半導体ポリマーの合成
森 裕樹,西原康師(分担執筆)
604-614 (2022).
- π電子系有機分子において硫黄原子の位置が有機電界効果トランジスタ特性に与える影響(第9章)
92-108 (2023).
- あれもカガク、これもカガク―サクッと錯体
(chap 4)
化学同人,pp 55-91 (2024).
- Fluorous Media 中でのロジウム触媒を用いるヒドロホウ素化反応
西原康師,Organometallic News,近畿化学協会有機金属部会編,(3),
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- 中性かつ単独で作用するオレフィン重合触媒-官能基化されたポリオレフィンの開発を目指して-
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- シクロペンタジエニル環の炭素―炭素結合開裂
67-68 (2006).
- C-F/C-H 結合のダブル活性化
西原康師,Organometallic News,近畿化学協会有機金属部会編,(2),
57 (2006).
- 遷移金属触媒を用いる芳香族フッ素化反応
25-30 (2007).
- 大型リチウムイオン二次電池のための新規含ホウ素有機−無機複合全固体電解質の開発
西原康師,冨田靖正, Polyfile,大成社,(9),
28-32 (2007).
- 理工系学生のための英語教育のすすめ
西原康師,分子研レターズ57,分子科学研究所 広報室,
33-34 (2008).
- 含ホウ素有機−無機ハイブリッド構造を有する高分子電解質について
西原康師,冨田靖正, MATERIAL STAGE,株式会社技術情報協会,10(6),
68-70 (2010).
- 電子光学材料の透明性・耐熱性向上を目指した二置換型ポリノルボルネンの合成
29-36 (2011).
- 遷移金属を用いる位置および立体選択的多置換オレフィンの合成
西原康師,Organometallic News,トピックス,近畿化学協会有機金属部会編,(3),
65-70 (2011).
- シラ-薗頭−萩原カップリング反応
19-25 (2013).
- π共役系分子を用いる有機電界効果トランジスタの最前線
森 裕樹,西原康師,高分子,高分子科学の進歩,高分子学会編,63(12),
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- 高原子価遷移金属を利用する有機合成反応―新しい触媒サイクル設計への指針
68-69 (2015).
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- 新規アクセプター部位を含むπ共役系高分子の開発と有機薄膜太陽電池への応用
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- クロスカップリング反応を利用した有機薄膜太陽電池用ポリマーの開発
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- 2-フルオロ-1-オール類の製造方法
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特願平11−145420 (1999). (出願日1999年5月25日)
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- ノルボルネン誘導体の開環重合体およびその製造方法
西原康師,井上善彰,高木謙太郎,田靡正雄,羽村 敏
特願2005-267127 (2005). (出願日2005年9月14日)
特開2007-077279 (2007). (公開日2007年3月29日)
- エンド位に2個の極性基を有するノルボルネン誘導体,そのメタセシス開環重合体およびそれらの製造方法
特願2006-64308 (2006). (出願日2006年3月9日)
特開2007-238807 (2007). (公開日2007年9月20日)
- トリアリールエチルエテン誘導体の製造方法
特願2006-252247 (2006). (出願日2006年9月19日)
特開2008-074711 (2008). (公開日2008年4月3日)
- ピセン及びその誘導体の製造方法
西原康師,常 寧輝,岩ア真之
特願2013-101582 (2013). (出願日2013年5月13日)
特開2014-058501 (2014). (公開日2014年4月3日)
- ピセン誘導体、光電変換材料及び光電変換素子
特願2014-098630 (2014). (出願日2014年5月12日)
特開2014-240483 (2014). (公開日2014年12月25日)
- ピセノジチオフェン化合物、有機半導体材料、有機半導体層、有機半導体
特願2015-033715 (2015). (出願日2015年2月24日)
特開2015-178491 (2015). (公開日2015年10月8日)
- ピセン誘導体、光電変換材料及び光電変換素子
西原康師,兵頭恵太,森 裕樹
特願2016-555186 (2016). (出願日2015年10月14日)
WO2016-063771 (2016). (公開日2016年4月28日)
- アントラビスチアジアゾール誘導体及びこれを用いて得られるπ共役系重合体
西原康師,西永周平,高橋竜輔,森 裕樹
特願2016-044905 (2016). (出願日2016年3月8日)
特開2017-160150 (2017). (公開日2017年9月14日)
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特開2022-122514 (2022). (公開日2022年8月23日)
- ビニレン架橋キノキサリン誘導体および有機薄膜太陽電池の開発
森 裕樹,西原康師
・2003 年 2 月 第15回(2002年度) 有機合成化学協会 研究企画賞 (日本触媒)
Shokubai Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (2002)
・2007 年 3 月 第1回 岡山大学理学部 教育貢献賞
・2007 年 12 月 平成19年度 岡山大学 若手トップリサーチャー研究奨励賞
・2008 年 5 月 日本化学会第88春季年会 優秀講演賞(産業)
Presentation Award 2008 for Industries (2008)
・2009 年 2 月 2008年度 有機合成化学協会 奨励賞
Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (2008)
・2010 年 2 月 平成21年度 岡山県文化奨励賞(第52回)
・2012 年 7 月 平成24年度 岡山工学振興会 科学技術賞
・2017 年 7 月 平成29年度 岡山工学振興会 内山勇三科学技術賞
・2017 年 8 月 平成29年度 日本学術振興会 科研費審査委員表彰
・2018 年 11月 Asian Core Program (ACP)
Lectureship Award (Taiwan)
(PDT): Application to Organic Photovoltaics」
・2020 年 2 月 2019年度 有機合成化学協会 企業冠賞 富士フィルム・機能性材料化学賞
- アリールオキソロジウム(I)錯体とアリールボロン酸との反応による含ホウ素アニオンの合成
- Preparation, Characterization, and Reactivities of Novel
Boryloxorhodium Complexes
Y. Nishihara, Y. Nishide and K.
Osakada, 224th ACS National Meeting INOG-570,2002年8月
(Boston, USA).
- メチレンシクロプロパンの化学-錯体から有機合成まで-
- Highly selective C-C bond activation of
methylenecyclopropanes by transition metal complexes
Y. Nishihara, 国際シンポジウム「有機金属化学の最先端」,北海道大学,2002年11月(札幌)
- 遷移金属錯体と有機ホウ素化合物の反応-トランスメタル化反応を鍵として-
- Preparation and Reactivity of Highly Bulky
Tetraarylpentaborate Anions Derived from Arylboronic
Y. Nishihara, 国際シンポジウム「有機金属化学の新しい展開」,北海道大学,2003年11月(札幌)
- オルト位のフッ素原子の特性を利用した非対称ジアリールパラジウム錯体の合成:
- アリール配位子へのフッ素原子の導入による重要中間体の単離と構造解析
- Palladium-Catalyzed Cyanoesterification of Norbornenes
and Its Application to Opto-electronics Materials by ROMP
Y. Nishihara,国際シンポジウム「有機金属化学の新しい展開」,北海道大学,2005年11月(札幌)
- リチウムイオン電池の大型化を目指した含ホウ素有機-無機複合固体電解質の創製
- ノルボルネン類のシアノエステル化反応とその生成物をモノマーとする開環メタセシス重合反応〜新規光学系材料の実用化を目指して〜
- 新規機能性光学材料を指向したシアノ基とエステル基を同時に有するポリシクロオレフィンの合成
西原康師,井上善彰,宮坂 充,伊澤精祐,斎藤 啓,種村謙輝,高木謙太郎,200年日本化学会西日本大会,琉球大学,2006年11月
- 極性シクロオレフィンポリマーの開発を目指した置換ノルボルネン類の合成と反応性
- 大型で安全なリチウムイオン電池のための新規含ホウ素有機-無機複合全固体型電解質の開発
- Zirconocene-Mediated Highly Efficient and Selective
Synthesis of Multisubstituted Olefins from
Y. Nishihara,The 11th Osaka City
University International Conference "New Horizons of
Molecular Science Dispatched from Asia", 2007年8月(Osaka)
- パラジウム触媒によるノルボルネン類のシアノエステル化反応と新規機能性光学材料への応用
- Zirconocene-Mediated Total Synthesis of (Z)-Tamoxifen
Starting from 1-Alkynylboronates
Y. Nishihara, 3rd China-Japan
Symposium On Chemistry, 2007年11月 (Hainan, China).
- Palladium-Catalyzed Cyanoesterification of Norbornenes
and Its Application to Opto-electronic Polymers
Y. Nishihara,Taiwan-Japan
International Symposium on Organic Chemistry and
Molecular Science, 2008年4月 (Taipei, Taiwan).
- Synthesis and Physical Properties of Novel Boron-containing
Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Polymers towards the Electrolyte
of Lithium-ion Secondary Battery
Y. Nishihara,Novel Challenge of Organometallic
Chemistry, November 22, 2008 (Sapporo, Japan).
- Synthesis of Doubly Functionalized Norbornenes and
Control of the Polymer Molecular Weights by Living Ring-Opening
Metathesis Polymerization
Y. Nishihara, Second Japan-Singapore
Bilateral Symposium on Catalysis, January 6-7, 2009 (Kyoto,
- Palladium-Catalyzed Cyanoesterification of Norbornenes
and Mechanistic Implications
Y. Nishihara, Symposium
in Commemoration of International Exchange Agreement
between Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen,
Denmark and Graduate School of Natural Science and
Technlogy, March 23, 2009 (Okayama, Japan).
- 遷移金属錯体を用いる結合活性化法の開発と機能性分子の合成
- Highly Efficient and Selective Synthesis of Anticancer
Agent Tamoxifen Mediated by a Zirconocene Complex
Y. Nishihara,13th Asian Chemical
Congress (13ACC), September 14-16, 2009 (Shanghai, China).
- 遷移金属錯体による結合活性化法の開発と機能性分子合成への応用
- パラジウム触媒によるノルボルネン類のシアノエステル化反応の開発と新規電子光学ポリマー合成への応用
- パラジウム錯体を触媒として用いるシアノエステル化反応と反応機構の解明
- Synthesis of Doubly Functionalized Norbornenes and Ru-Catalyzed
Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization
Y. Nishihara, China-Japan Symposium on
Catalytic Organic Synthesis, Tianjin, China, September 25,
- Cross-Coupling Reactions of Aryl Halides with
Alkynylsilanes Catalyzed by Palladium and Copper
Y. Nishihara, The 16th Malaysian
Chemical Congress (16MCC), October 12-14, 2010 (Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia).
- Zirconocene-Mediated Highly Regio- and Stereoselective
Synthesis of Multi-substituted Olefins from
Alkynylmetallic Species
Y. Nishihara, The 6th International
Symposium on Integrated Synthesis (ISIS-6), October 23-24,
2010 (Kobe, Japan).
- Highly Efficient and Selective Synthesis of
Multisubstituted Olefins from Alkynylboronates Mediated
by a Zirconocene Complex
Y. Nishihara, The International Chemical
Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2010), December 15-20, 2010 (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA).
- Highly Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of Multi-alkylated
Olefins from Alkynylboronates via Zirconacycles
Y. Nishihara, 14ACC - Cambodia Satellite
Meeting, September 3-5, 2011 (Siem Reap, Cambodia).
- Copper-Catalyzed Sila-Sonogashira-Hagihara Coupling:
Palladium-Free Cross-Coupling Reactions of Alkynylsilanes
with Aryl Iodides
Y. Nishihara, The 14th Asian Chemical
Congress (14ACC), September 5-9, 2011 (Bangkok, Thailand).
- Highly Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of Multi-alkylated
Olefins by Zirconocene-Mediated Transformation of 1-Alkynylboronates
and Sequential Negishi and Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling
Y. Nishihara, The 14th Asian Chemical
Congress (14ACC), September 5-9, 2011 (Bangkok, Thailand).
- 開環メタセシス重合とそれに続く水素化によるシアノ基とエステル基を同時に有するポリノルボルネンの合成
- アルキニルボロン酸エステルのカルボジルコネーションとそれに続く根岸および鈴木−宮浦カップリングによる多置換オレフィン類の位置および立体選択的合成
ミニシンポジウム2011 in 愛媛,有機金属の魅力-新進気鋭若手研究者に聞く-愛媛大学,2011年12月2日(松山市)
- パラジウム触媒によるノルボルナジエンのシアノエステル化反応の開発と開環メタセシス重合によるポリシクロオレフィンの合成
西原康師,高分子学会中国四国支部 高分子研究科,広島大学,2012年3月17日(東広島市)
- Highly Selective Synthesis of Multi-substituted Olefins
through Carbozirconation of Alkynylboronates and
Sequential Cross-Couplings
Y. Nishihara, 2nd International
Conference on Molecular & Functional Catalysis (ICMFC-2),
July 30-31, 2012 (Biopolis, Singapore).
- クロスカップリング反応を用いるフェナセン型分子の合成と物性
- Highly Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of Multi-substituted
Olefins from Alkynylboronates
Y. Nishihara, International Symposium of
Homogenous Reactivity, June 14-15, 2013 (Ibaraki Univ,
Mito, Japan)
- Synthesis of Substituted Picenes through Pd-Catalyzed
Cross-Coupling Reaction/Annulation Sequences and Their
Physicochemical Properties
Y. Nishihara, International Symposium on
Frontiers of Organometallic Chemistry, December 5, 2013 (Peking
Univ, Beijing, China)
- Synthesis of Organic Molecules with the Extended p-Conjugated
System and Their Application to Electronic Devices
Y. Nishihara, The 2013 OCARINA Annual
International Meeting, March 4, 2014 (Osaka City
University, Osaka, Japan)
- Synthesis of Phenacenes by Cross-Coupling Reactions and
Their Physicochemical Properties
Y. Nishihara, 41st International
Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC-41), July 21-25,
2014 (Singapore, Singapore)
- 電子エネルギーデバイス開発を指向したπ共役系有機分子の精密合成
西原康師,第114回触媒討論会,広島大学,2014年9月25-27日 (東広島市)
- Synthesis of Phenacene-type Organic Molecules and Their
Application to Electronic Devices
Y. Nishihara, Vietnam Malaysia
International Chemical Congress (VMICC), November 7-9,
2014 (Hanoi, Vietnam)
- Synthesis of Substituted Picenes and Their Derivatives
and Their Application to Field-Effect Transistor Devices
Y. Nishihara, JSPS Bilateral Joint
Research Seminar “Interdisciplinary Seminar for
Innovative Organic Chemistry”, December. 1-3, 2014 (Strasbourg,
- Synthesis of Substituted Picenes and Their Derivatives
and Their Application to Field-Effect Transistor Devices
Y. Nishihara, Chemistry of Chulalongkorn
U. & Okayama U. Mini-Symposium, January 15, 2015 (Bangkok,
- Synthesis of Substituted Picenes and Their Application to
Field-Effect Transistor Devices
Y. Nishihara, 2015 BKI21 Plus Symposium
on HRD Center for Creative Convergence Chemical Science
& The 2nd SKKU-OU Joint Symposium on Advanced
Chemistry, February 12, 2015 (Suwon, Korea)
- クロスカップリングの魅力に嵌(填)って
西原康師,平成26年度 総研大学術交流会,総研大 葉山キャンパス,2015年3月24日 (葉山市)
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to Organic Field-Effect Transistors and
Y. Nishihara, 8th Negishi-Brown Lectures
(Prof. Ei-ichi Negishi’s 80th birthday Symposium), July
13, 2015, (West Lafayette, IN, USA)
- 含硫黄フェナセン型分子の合成と有機半導体としての利用
- Phenanthrodithiophene-Based Semiconducting Polymers:
Effect of Side Chains on Their Solar Cell Performances
Y. Nishihara, The 2nd ANGEL
Symposium, Yamagata University, November 5, 2015.Yamagata,
- フェナントロ[1,2-b:8,7-b’]ジチオフェン(PDT):
西原康師,2015年日本化学会中国四国支部大会,岡山大学津島キャンパス,2015年11月14-15日 (岡山市)
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to Organic Field-Effect Transistors and
Y. Nishihara, PACCON2016, February 9-11,
2016 (Bangkok, Thailand)
- 新規アクセプター部位を含む π
西原康師,特別企画 元素ブロック新素材,日本化学会第
96 春季年会,同志社大学京田辺キャンパス,2016年3月24-27日(京田辺市)
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to Organic Field-Effect Transistors and
Y. Nishihara, International Symposium on
Chemical Research Frontiers, Peking University, April 16,
2016 (Beijing, China)
- Development of High-Performance Organic Photovoltaic
Cells Containing the Phenanthrodithiophene (PDT) Unit
Y. Nishihara, E-MRS (European Materials
Research Society) 2016 Fall, Central Campus of Warsaw
University of Technology, September 19-22, 2016 (Warsaw,
- Effects of alkyl side-chains and molecular weights on
photovoltaic property in phenanthrodithiophene-based
semiconducting polymers
Y. Nishihara, PACCON2017, February 2-3,
2017 (Bangkok, Thailand)
- クロスカップリングを利用するフェナセン型分子の合成と電子エネルギーデバイスへの応用
- 機能性マテリアル創出のための有機金属錯体触媒
西原康師,第7回 CSJ 化学フェスタ
- 含硫黄フェナセン型分子の開発と有機電子エネルギーデバイス素子への応用
- Effect of Molecular Weights on Photovoltaic Property in
Phenanthrodithiophene-Based Semiconducting Polymers
Y. Nishihara, 2017 International
Symposium on Chemistry Frontiers, December, 2, 2017 (Shanghai
- 含硫黄フェナセン型分子をコアにもつ高分子の合成と有機薄膜太陽電池への応用
- クロスカップリングを用いるフェナセン型分子の合成と電子エネルギーデバイスへの応用
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:1,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to organic photovoltaics
Y. Nishihara, the First International
Conference on 4D Materials and Systems (ECS 4DMS),
Yamagata University, August, 27, 2018, (Yonezawa, Japan)
- クロスカップリングを利用するフェナセン型分子の合成と電子エネルギーデバイスへの応用
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to Organic Photovoltaics
Y. Nishihara, The 13th International
Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-13),
Chulabhorn Convention Center, November, 1-4, 2018 (Bangkok,
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to organic photovoltaics
Y. Nishihara, The International
Collaborative ‘111’ Project Based on “Reticular
Chemistry of Porous Polymers” Northeast Normal
University, November, 9, 2018 (Jilin, China)
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to Organic Field-Effect Transistors (OFETs)
and Organic Photovoltaics (OPVs)
Y. Nishihara, International Symposium on
Catalysis and Fine Chemicals 2018 (C&FC2018),
Chulalongkorn University, December, 10-14, 2018 (Bangkok,
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:1,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to Organic Field-Effect Transistors (OFETs)
and Organic Photovoltaics (OPVs)
Y. Nishihara, The 45th Congress on
Science and Technology of Thailand (STT45),Mae Fah
Luang University, October 7-9, 2019 (Chiang Rai, Thailand)
- クロスカップリングを用いる有機半導体材料の創製
岩手大学理工学部, 2019年11月13日
- Development of Organic Solar Cells Based on New Acceptor
Units in Semiconducting Polymers
Y. Nishihara, 2019 Annual Meeting of the
International Collaborative ‘111’ Project Based on
“Reticular Chemistry of Porous Polymers” November 16-17,
2019 (Xiamen, China)
- 錯体から有機半導体まで―私が資源研で学んだ多くのこと―
東京工業大学すずかけ台キャンパス, 2019年11月22日
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:1,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to organic field-effect transistors and
Y. Nishihara, ICCHD-20, Heritage
Institute of Technology, January 7-9, 2020 (Kolkata,
- Nickel or Palladium-Catalyzed Decarbonylative
Transformations of Acyl Fluorides
Y. Nishihara, The International
Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology (ISAST), the
College of Science of National Chung Hsing University,
Taiwan, October, 16, 2020 (On-line)
- クロスカップリングを用いる含硫黄フェナセン型分子の合成と有機半導体としての利用
- 脱カルボニル化を伴うフッ化アシルの変換反応
- クロスカップリングを利用するπ
西原康師,東工大化生研 非常勤講師講演会,東工大化生研 非常勤講師講演会,2023年10月20日
- Crystal Structures and Charge Transport Properties of
Alkyl-substituted Phenanthro[2,1-b:7,8-b']dithiophenes
Y. Nishihara, the 16th International
Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-16),UTown,
National University of Singapore, December 1-4, 2023 (Singapore,
- Photovoltaic properties of organic thin-film solar cells
based on semiconducting polymers
Y. Nishihara, the 16th
Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences 2023 (EuAsC2S-16)
or Eurasia 2023,The Berkeley Hotel Pratunam, December
13-15, 2023 (Bangkok, Thailand)
- クロスカップリングを利用するπ共役系分子の精密合成と有機半導体材料への応用
- Photovoltaic Properties of Organic Thin-Film Solar Cells
based on Semiconducting Polymers
Y. Nishihara, Advances in Materials for
Sustainable Energy 2024, Shanghai Normal University, May
19-20, 2023 (Shanghai, China)
- Nickel or Palladium-Catalyzed Decarbonylative
Transformations of Acyl Fluorides and Chlorides
Y. Nishihara, the 30th International
Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC-2024), July
14-18, 2024 (Agra, India)
- Photovoltaic properties of organic thin-film solar cells
based on semiconducting polymers
Y. Nishihara, 12th Asian Network for
Natural and Unnatural Materials (ANNUM-XII), Department
of Chemistry, IIT Bombay, July 20-22, 2024 (Mumbai, India)
- Palladium-Catalyzed Decarbonylative Halogenation of Acyl
Fluorides via Reductive Elimination of the C-X Bond
Y. Nishihara, the 17th International
Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-17),Academia
Sinica, November 29-December 1, 2024 (Taipei, Taiwan)
- Synthesis and Characterization of Cobaltaborane Clusters.
Y. Nishihara, K. J. Deck, A. L. Rheingold, M.
Shang and T. P. Fehlner
The 206th ACS National Meeting INOG-388, Chicago, USA,
August, 1993.
- Synthesis and Characterization of Cobaltaborane Clusters.
Y. Nishihara, K. J. Deck, M. Shang and T. P.
The 30th International Conference on Coordination
Chemistry, Kyoto, August, 1993.
- Highly Selective Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation Reaction of
Zirconacyclopentanes Using Copper Salt.
T. Takahashi, Y. Nishihara and M. Kotora
1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin
Societies (Pacifichem ‘95) Honolulu, 09-GP13, December
- Homo- and Cross-Coupling Reactions of Alkynylsilanes
Mediated by a Copper(I) Salt.
Y. Nishihara, K. Ikegashira, K. Hirabayashi, A.
Mori and T. Hiyama
The 218th ACS National Meeting ORGN-589, New Orleans, USA,
August, 1999.
- New C-C and C-H Bond Activation of 1-Methylenecyclopropanes
Promoted by Hydrido Complexes of Rh(I) and Ir(I).
Y. Nishihara C. Yoda, M. Kimura, H. Takimoto and K.
2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin
Societies (Pacifichem ‘2000), Honolulu, December, 2000.
- Ring-Opening Isomerization of Methylenecyclopropopanes
into 1,3-Dienes Promoted by Transition Metal Hydrido
Y. Nishihara, C. Yoda, K. Osakada
Post-OMCOS, Kyoto, Japan, June, 2001.
- Rhodium(III) and Iridium(III) Complexes with Halo and
Alkoxysilyl Ligands. Relative Stability of the Metal?Silicon
Bond and Elimination of Halosilanes.
Y. Nishihara, M. Takemura and K. Osakada
20th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry,
Corfu, Greece, July, 2002.
- Synthesis of Tetraarylpentaborates from Reaction of
Arylboronic Acids with an Aryloxorhodium Complex.
Y. Nishihara, K. Nara and K. Osakada
35th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry,
Heidelberg, Germany, July, 2002.
- Preparation, Characterization, and Reactivities of Novel
Boryloxorhodium Complexes.
Y. Nishihara, Y. Nishide and K. Osakada
The 224th ACS National Meeting INOG-570, Boston, USA,
August, 2002.
- Synthesis and Structural Characterization of the First
Unsymmetrical Diarylpalladium Complexes trans-Pd(C6F5)(2,4,6-C6F3H2)(PEt3)2
from Arylboronic Acid 2,4,6-C6F3H2B(OH)2 and trans-PdI(C6F5)(PEt3)2
Y. Nishihara, H. Onodera and K. Osakada
The 12nd Organometallic Chemistry towards Organic
Synthesis (OMCOS-12), Toronto, Canada, July, 2003.
- A Preparative Synthetic Method of Ketones by Cross-Coupling
Reactions of Acid Chlorides with Organoboron Compounds
Y. Nishihara, Y. Inoue, M. Fujisawa and K. Takagi
The 13rd Organometallic Chemistry towards Organic
Synthesis (OMCOS-13), Geneva, Switzerland, July, 2005.
- Copper-Mediated Homocoupling Reactions of
Alkynylboronates Affording Symmetrical Conjugate Diynes
Y. Nishihara, M. Okamoto, Y. Inoue, M. Miyazaki, M.
Miyasaka, and K. Takagi
12th International Conference on Boron Chemistry (MEBORON-XII),
Sendai, Japan, September, 2005.
- Synthesis of Doubly Functionalized Polar Norbornenes by
the Palladium-Catalyzed Cyanoesterification
Y. Nishihara, Y. Inoue, M. Miyasaka, S. Izawa, and
K. Takagi
The 10th International KYOTO Conference on New Aspects of
Organic Chemistry (IKCOC-10), Kyoto, Japan, November,
- Zirconocene-Mediated Highly Selective and Facile
Synthesis of 1,2-Diaryl-1-butenes from Alkynylboronates
Y. Nishihara, H. Takahashi, M. Miyasaka, M.
Okamoto, K. Tanemura and K. Takagi
Second International Conference on Advanced Organic
Synthesis Directed toward the Ultimate Efficiency and
Practicability(International Conference on Asymmetric
Organocatalysis), Ohtsu, Japan, May, 2007.
- Synthesis of Novel Cycloolefin Polymers by Ru-Initiated
Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization and Subsequent Ru-Catalyzed
Hydrogenation of Doubly Functionalized Norbornenes with
Both Cyano and Ester Groups
Y. Nishihara, Y. Inoue, S. Izawa, A. T. Saito, and
K. Takagi
The 14th Organometallic Chemistry towards Organic
Synthesis (OMCOS-14), Nara, Japan, August, 2007.
- Zirconocene-Mediated Highly Efficient and Selective
Synthesis of Multisubstituted Olefins from
Y. Nishihara
The 11th Osaka City University International Conference
"New Horizons of Molecular Science Dispatched from
Asia", Osaka, Japan, August, 2007.
- Zirconocene-Mediated Total Synthesis of (Z)-Tamoxifen
Starting from 1-Alkynylboronates
Y. Nishihara
3rd China-Japan Symposium On Chemistry, Hainan, China,
November, 2007.
- Palladium-Catalyzed Cyanoesterification of Norbornenes
and Its Application to Opto-electronic Polymers
Y. Nishihara
Taiwan-Japan International Symposium on Organic
Chemistry and Molecular Science, Taipei, Taiwan, April,
- Efficient Synthesis of an Anti-cancer Agent, (Z)-Tamoxifen
from an Alkynylboronate Mediated by a Zirconocene Complex
Y. Nishihara, M. Miyasaka, M. Okamoto, H.
Takahashi, K. Tanemura, E. Inoue, and K. Takagi
Third International Conference on Advanced Organic
Synthesis Directed toward the Ultimate Efficiency and
Practicability, PS-02, Ohtsu, Japan, May,
- Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Diarylethynes by the Cross-Coupling
Reaction of Alkynylsilanes with Aryl Chlorides
Y. Nishihara, E. Inoue, Y. Okada, and K.
The 15th International Symposium on Organosilicon
Chemistry, S14, Jeju, Korea, June 1-6, 2008.
- Synthesis and Thermal Properties of Novel Polynorbornenes
by Ru-Initiated Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization
and the Subsequent Ru-Catalyzed Hydrogenation
Y. Nishihara, Y. Inoue, S. Izawa, M.
Miyasaka, A. T. Saito, and K. Takagi
The 23rd International Conference on Organometallic
Chemistry (ICOMC2008), P322, Rennes, France, July 13-18,
- Zirconocene-Mediated Highly Efficient and Selective
Synthesis of Multisubstituted Olefins from
Alkynylboronates and Its Application
Y. Nishihara, M. Miyasaka, H. Takahashi,
M. Okamoto, K. Tanemura, E. Inoue, and K. Takagi
The 13th International Coference on Boron Chemistry (ImeBoron
XIII), OC A02, Platja d’Aro, Spain, September 21-25,
- Synthesis and Physical Properties of Novel Boron-containing
Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Polymers towards the Electrolyte
of Lithium-ion Secondary Battery
Y. Nishihara
Novel Challenge of Organometallic Chemistry,
Sapporo, Japan, November 22, 2008.
- Synthesis of Doubly Functionalized Norbornenes and
Control of the Polymer Molecular Weights by Living Ring-Opening
Metathesis Polymerization
Y. Nishihara
Second Japan-Singapore Bilateral Symposium on Catalysis,
Kyoto, Japan, January 6-7, 2009.
- Palladium-Catalyzed Cyanoesterification of Norbornenes
and Mechanistic Implications
Y. Nishihara
Symposium in Commemoration of International
Exchange Agreement between Faculty of Science, University
of Copenhagen, Denmark and Graduate School of Natural
Science and Technlogy, Okayama, Japan, March 23, 2009.
- Highly Efficient and Selective Synthesis of Anticancer
Agent Tamoxifen Mediated by a Zirconocene Complex
Y. Nishihara
13th Asian Chemical Congress (13ACC), Shanghai,
China, September 14-16, 2009.
- Highly Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of Multi-substituted
Olefins from Alkynylmetallic Species and Its Application
toward Anti-cancer Agents
Y. Nishihara
The 3rd International Symposium for Future
Technology Creating Better Human Health and Society,
Molecular Targets for the Development of Therapeutic
Agents against Cancer and Infectious Diseases in
vitro, in vivo and in silico,
Okayama, Japan, February, 3-4, 2010
- Palladium/Copper-Catalyzed Sila-Sonogashira Cross-Coupling
Reactions of Aryl Halides with Alkynylsilanes via a
Direct C-Si Bond Activation under a Neutral Condition
Y. Nishihara, E. Inoue, D. Ogawa, Y.
Okada, S. Noyori, K. Takagi
11th Tetrahedron Symposium, PSA.29, Beijing, China, June
22-25, 2010.
- Palladium/Copper-Cocatalyzed Sonogashir-Type Cross-Coupling
Reactions of Aryl Halides with Alkynylsilanes via a
Direct Carbon-Silicon Bond Cleavage
Y. Nishihara, E. Inoue, D. Ogawa,
Y. Okada, S. Noyori, and K. Takagi
The 24th International Conference on Organometallic
Chemistry (ICOMC2010), SY17-02, Taipei, Taiwan, July 18-23,
- Synthesis of Doubly Functionalized Norbornenes and Ru-Catalyzed
Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization
Y. Nishihara
China-Japan Symposium on Catalytic Organic
Synthesis, Tianjin, China, September 25, 2010.
- Cross-Coupling Reactions of Aryl Halides with
Alkynylsilanes Catalyzed by Palladium and Copper
Y. Nishihara
The 16th Malaysian Chemical Congress (16MCC),
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 12-14, 2010 .
- Zirconocene-Mediated Highly Regio- and Stereoselective
Synthesis of Multi-substituted Olefins from
Alkynylmetallic Species
Y. Nishihara
The 6th International Symposium on Integrated
Synthesis (ISIS-6), Kobe, Japan, October 23-24, 2010 .
- Highly Efficient and Selective Synthesis of
Multisubstituted Olefins from Alkynylboronates Mediated
by a Zirconocene Complex
Y. Nishihara
The International Chemical Congress of Pacific
Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2010), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,
December 15-20, 2010.
- Highly Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of Multi-alkylated
Olefins from Alkynylboronates via Zirconacycles
Y. Nishihara
14ACC - Cambodia Satellite Meeting, Siem Reap,
Cambodia, September 3-5, 2011.
- Copper-Catalyzed Sila-Sonogashira-Hagihara Coupling:
Palladium-Free Cross-Coupling Reactions of Alkynylsilanes
with Aryl Iodides
Y. Nishihara
The 14th Asian Chemical Congress (14ACC), Bangkok,
Thailand, September 5-9, 2011.
- Highly Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of Multi-alkylated
Olefins by Zirconocene-Mediated Transformation of 1-Alkynylboronates
and Sequential Negishi and Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling
Y. Nishihara
The 14th Asian Chemical Congress (14ACC),
Bangkok, Thailand, September 5-9, 2011.
- Zirconocene-Mediated Highly Regio- and Stereoselective
Synthesis of Multi-substituted Olefins from
Y. Nishihara, Y. Okada, J. Jiao, M. Suetsugu, M.
Iwasaki, K. Takagi
IC11, OP59, Perth, Australia, December 4-8, 2011.
- Highly Selective Synthesis of Multi-substituted Olefins
through Carbozirconation of Alkynylboronates and
Sequential Cross-Couplings
Y. Nishihara
2nd International Conference on Molecular &
Functional Catalysis (ICMFC-2), July 30-31, 2012 (Biopolis,
- Highly Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of Multi-substituted
Olefins from Alkynylboronates
Y. Nishihara
International Symposium of Homogenous Reactivity,
June 14-15, 2013 (Ibaraki Univ, Mito, Japan)
- Synthesis of Living Ring-Opening Metathesis
Polymerization of Doubly Functionalized Norbornenes
Y. Nishihara, Y. Inoue, S. Izawa, Y. Doi,
A. T. Saito, K. Takagi
20th International Symposium on Olefin Metathesis and
Related Chemistry (ISOM XX), July 14-19, 2013 (Nara,
- Highly Selective Synthesis of Tetraarylethenes through
Silaboration of Alkynyboronates and Sequential Cross-Coupling
Y. Nishihara, J. Jiao, K. Nakajima
15th Asian Chemical Congress 2013, August 19-23, 2013 (Singapore)
- Mechanistic Studies on Palladium-Catalyzed Three-Component
Coupling Reaction of Arynes, Isocyanides, and
Y. Nishihara, J. Li, K. Nakajima
The 10th International Symposium on Carbanion Chemistry (ISCC-10),
September 24-26, 2013 (Kyoto, Japan).
- Synthesis of Substituted Picenes through Pd-Catalyzed
Cross-Coupling Reaction/Annulation Sequences and Their
Physicochemical Properties
Y. Nishihara
International Symposium on Frontiers of
Organometallic Chemistry, December 5, 2013 (Peking Univ,
Beijing, China)
- Synthesis of Organic Molecules with the Extended p-Conjugated
System and Their Application to Electronic Devices
Y. Nishihara
The 2013 OCARINA Annual International Meeting,
March 4, 2014 (Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan)
- Selective Synthesis of Multi-Substituted Olefins
Utilizing Carbozirconation or Palladium-Catalyzed
Dimetalation of Alkynylboronates and Sequential Cross-Coupling
Y. Nishihara, J. Jiao, Y. Okada, M.
Suetsugu, M. Kinoshita, K. Nakajima
XXVI International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry
(ICOMC 2014), July 13-18 (Royton Sapporo, Sapporo, Japan)
- Synthesis of Phenacenes by Cross-Coupling Reactions and
Their Physicochemical Properties
Y. Nishihara
International Conference on Coordination
Chemistry (ICCC-41), July 21-25, 2014 (Singapore,
- Utilization of the Differentiated Boron Functionalities
for Selective Synthesis Of Multi-Substituted Olefins
Y. Nishihara, J. Jiao,and K. Hyodo
XV IMEBORON, August 24-28, 2014 (Prague, Czech Republic)
- Synthesis of Phenacene-type Organic Molecules and Their
Application to Electronic Devices
Y. Nishihara, Vietnam Malaysia
International Chemical Congress (VMICC), November 7-9,
2014 (Hanoi, Vietnam)
- Synthesis of Substituted Picenes and Their Derivatives
and Their Application to Field-Effect Transistor Devices
Y. Nishihara, JSPS Bilateral Joint
Research Seminar “Interdisciplinary Seminar for
Innovative Organic Chemistry”, December. 1-3, 2014 (Strasbourg,
- Synthesis of Substituted Picenes and Their Derivatives
and Their Application to Field-Effect Transistor Devices
Y. Nishihara, Chemistry of Chulalongkorn
U. & Okayama U. Mini-Symposium, January 15, 2015 (Bangkok,
- Synthesis of Substituted Picenes and Their Application to
Field-Effect Transistor Devices
Y. Nishihara, 2015 BKI21 Plus Symposium
on HRD Center for Creative Convergence Chemical Science
& The 2nd SKKU-OU Joint Symposium on Advanced
Chemistry, February 12, 2015 (Suwon, Korea)
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to Organic Field-Effect Transistors and
Y. Nishihara, 8th Negishi-Brown Lectures
(Prof. Ei-ichi Negishi’s 80th birthday Symposium), July
13, 2015, (West Lafayette, IN, USA)
- Phenanthrodithiophene-Based Semiconducting Polymers:
Effect of Side Chains on Their Solar Cell Performances
Y. Nishihara, The 2nd ANGEL
Symposium, Yamagata University, November 5, 2015. (Yamagata,
- Synthesis of substituted picenes and its derivatives and
their application to field-effect transistors
Y. Nishihara, X. Chen, N. Chang, K.
Hyodo, S. Nishinaga, Y. Okuda, H. Nonobe, J. Zhao, J. Xu,
and H. Mori
The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin
Societies (Pacifichem 2015), December 15-20, 2015 (Honolulu,
Hawaii, USA)
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to Organic Field-Effect Transistors and
Y. Nishihara, PACCON2016, February 9-11,
2016 (Bangkok, Thailand)
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’dithiophene (PDT):
Application to Organic Field-Effect Transistors and
Y. Nishihara, International Symposium on
Chemical Research Frontiers, Peking University, April 16,
2016 (Beijing, China)
- Development of High-Performance Organic Photovoltaic
Cells Containing the Phenanthrodithiophene (PDT) Unit
Y. Nishihara, E-MRS (European Materials
Research Society) 2016 Fall, Central Campus of Warsaw
University of Technology, September 19-22, 2016 (Warsaw,
- Elucidation of Regioselective Silaboration of
Alkynylboronates Catalyzed by Palladium
Y. Okuda, J. Jiao, K. Nakajima, A. Orita, Y.
Nishihara, 43rd International Conference on
Coordination Chemistry (ICCC 2018), July 30-August 4,
2018 (Sendai, Japan).
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:1,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to organic photovoltaics
Y. Nishihara, the First International
Conference on 4D Materials and Systems (ECS 4DMS),
Yamagata University, August 27, 2018 (Yonezawa, Japan).
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT): Application
to Organic Photovoltaics
Y. Nishihara,The 13th International
Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-13),
Chulabhorn Convention Center, November 1-4, 2018 (Bangkok,
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT): Application
to organic photovoltaics
Y. Nishihara,The International
Collaborative ‘111’ Project Based on “Reticular
Chemistry of Porous Polymers” Northeast Normal
University, November 9, 2018 (Jilin, China).
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT): Application
to Organic Field-Effect Transistors (OFETs) and Organic
Photovoltaics (OPVs)
Y. Nishihara, International Symposium on
Catalysis and Fine Chemicals 2018 (C&FC2018),
Chulalongkorn University, December 10-14, 2018 (Bangkok,
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:1,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to Organic Field-Effect Transistors (OFETs)
and Organic Photovoltaics (OPVs)
Y. Nishihara, 13th International
- Nickel-Catalyzed Decarbonylative Transformations of Acyl
Y. Nishihara, Y. Okuda, Z. Wang, X. Wang,
L. Liu, and Y. Ura
20th IUPAC International Symposium on Organometallic
Chemistry Directed Towards Organic Synthesis,Heidelberg
Convention Center, July 21-25, 2019 (Heidelberg, Germany)
- Nickel-Catalyzed Decarbonylative Transformations of Acyl
Y. Nishihara, Z. Wang, X. Wang, Y.
Okuda, L. Liu, Y. Ura
The 14th International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic
Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-14), Niseko Hilton Village,
September 26-29, 2019 (Hokkaido, Japan)
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:1,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to Organic Field-Effect Transistors (OFETs)
and Organic Photovoltaics (OPVs)
Y. Nishihara, The 45th Congress on
Science and Technology of Thailand (STT45),Mae Fah
Luang University, October 7-9, 2019 (Chiang Rai, THAILAND)
- Development of Organic Solar Cells Based on New Acceptor
Units in Semiconducting Polymers
Y. Nishihara, 2019 Annual Meeting of the
International Collaborative ‘111’ Project Based on
“Reticular Chemistry of Porous Polymers” November 16-17,
2019 (Xiamen, China)
- Phenanthro[1,2-b:1,7-b’]dithiophene (PDT):
Application to organic field-effect transistors and
Y. Nishihara, ICCHD-20, Heritage
Institute of Technology, January 7-9, 2020 (Kolkata,
- Nickel or Palladium-Catalyzed Decarbonylative
Transformations of Acyl Fluorides
Y. Nishihara, The International
Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology (ISAST),the
College of Science of National Chung Hsing University,
October, 16, 2020 (Online)
- Nickel or Palladium-Catalyzed Decarbonylative
Transformations of Acyl Fluorides with Organosilicon
Y. Nishihara, X. Wang,, Q. Chen, Z. Wang,
and L. Fu, 19th-International Symposium on Silicon
Chemistry (ISOS-2021), July 2-7, 2021 (Online)
- Nickel or Palladium‐Catalyzed Decarbonylative
Transformations of Acyl Fluorides
Y. Nishihara, Q. Chen, X. Wang, Z. Li
and Z. Wang
29th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry
(ICOMC2022), July 17-22, 2022 (Prague, Czech Republic)
- Nickel or Palladium-Catalyzed Decarbonylative
Transformations of Acyl Fluorides and Chlorides
Y. Nishihara, Zhenhua Wang, Xiu Wang,
and Yasuyuki Ura, 21st International Symposium on
Organometallic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic
Synthesis (OMCOS XXI), the Sheraton Wall Centre, July 24-28,
2023 (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
- Nickel or Palladium-Catalyzed Decarbonylative
Transformations of Acyl Halides
Y. Nishihara, The 15th International
Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry (IKCOC-15),
Riga Royal Hotel Kyoto, November 20-23, 2023 (Kyoto,
- Crystal Structures and Charge Transport Properties of
Alkyl-substituted Phenanthro[2,1-b:7,8-b']dithiophenes
Y. Nishihara, the 16th International
Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-16),UTown,
National University of Singapore, December 1-4, 2023 (Singapore,
- Photovoltaic properties of organic thin-film solar cells
based on semiconducting polymers
Y. Nishihara, the 16th
Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences 2023 (EuAsC2S-16)
or Eurasia 2023,The Berkeley Hotel Pratunam, December
13-15, 2023 (Bangkok, Thailand)
- Photovoltaic Properties of Organic Thin-Film Solar Cells
based on Semiconducting Polymers
Y. Nishihara, Advances in Materials for
Sustainable Energy 2024, Shanghai Normal University, May
19-20, 2023 (Shanghai, China)
- Nickel or Palladium-Catalyzed Decarbonylative
Transformations of Acyl Fluorides and Chlorides
Y. Nishihara, the 30th International
Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC-2024), July
14-18, 2024 (Agra, India)
- Photovoltaic properties of organic thin-film solar cells
based on semiconducting polymers
Y. Nishihara, 12th Asian Network for
Natural and Unnatural Materials (ANNUM-XII), Department
of Chemistry, IIT Bombay, July 20-22, 2024 (Mumbai, India)
- Palladium-Catalyzed Decarbonylative Halogenation of Acyl
Fluorides via Reductive Elimination of the C-X Bond
Y. Nishihara, the 17th International
Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-17),Academia
Sinica, November 29-December 1, 2024 (Taipei, Taiwan)
- 1998-1999 年度 日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 奨励研究(A)
代表 西原康師
- 2001-2002 年度 日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 奨励研究(A)
→ 若手研究(B)
代表 西原康師
- 2005-2008年 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構
(NEDO) 「産業技術研究助成事業」
代表 西原康師
- 2006 年度 文部科学省科学研究費補助金 特定領域研究
代表 西原康師
- 2007-2008 年度 文部科学省科学研究費補助金 特定領域研究
代表 西原康師
- 2010 年度 科学技術振興機構 A-STEP (検索タイプ)
代表 西原康師
- 2011-2012 年度 科学技術振興機構 (JST) 先端的低炭素化技術開発事業
代表 西原康師
- 2012-2014 年度 日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
代表 西原康師
- 2012-2017 年度 科学技術振興機構 (JST) 戦略的創造研究推進事業「低エネルギー、低環境負荷で持続可能なものづくりのための先導的な物質変換技術の創出」研究領域
代表 西原康師
- 2015-2016 年度 文部科学省科学研究費補助金 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)
代表 西原康師
- 2017-2018 年度 科学技術振興機構 (JST) 研究成果展開事業 地域産学バリュープログラム
代表 西原康師
- 2021-2024 年度 日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)
代表 西原康師
- 1996 年度 財団法人 日本科学協会 (笹川科学研究助成)
- 1999 年度 財団法人 稲盛財団 (研究助成金)
- 2002 年度 田中貴金属 (貴金属に関わる研究助成金制度)
- 2002 年度 有機合成化学協会 「研究企画賞」
- 2003-04 年度 財団法人旭硝子財団
- 2004年度 財団法人 日産科学振興財団 (特定領域基礎研究助成)
- 2005-06年度 財団法人 日産科学振興財団 (特定領域基礎研究(延長)助成)
- 2005年度 財団法人 御器谷科学技術財団
- 2005年度 財団法人 スズキ財団
- 2005年度 財団法人 山陽放送学術文化財団 山陽新聞に掲載
- 2005-06年度 財団法人 医薬資源研究振興会
- 2005-06年度 財団法人 実吉奨学会
- 2006年度 財団法人 総合工学振興会
- 2006年度 財団法人 中国電力技術研究財団
- 2006年度 財団法人 池谷科学技術振興財団
- 2007年度 財団法人 日本証券奨学財団
- 2008年度 公益信託 三菱化学研究奨励基金
- 2008年度 財団法人 マツダ財団
- 2007-08年度
- 2008年度 財団法人 倉田記念日立科学技術財団
- 2009年度 交流協会 日台科学技術交流(共同研究)
- 2009年度 財団法人 工藤学術財団
- 2009年度 財団法人 八雲環境科学振興財団
- 2011-12年度 財団法人 徳山科学技術振興財団
- 2011-12年度 公益財団法人 住友財団
- 2012年度 公益財団法人 岡山工学振興会(一般研究)
- 2013年度 公益財団法人 松籟科学技術振興財団
- 2013年度 公益財団法人 日本板硝子材料工学助成会
- 2015年度 公益財団法人 東電記念財団
- 2015年度 一般財団法人 内藤泰春科学技術振興財団
- 2016-17年度 公益財団法人 中国電力技術研究財団 試験研究
- 2016年度 公益財団法人 岡山県産業振興財団 次世代産業研究開発プロジェクト創製事業
- 2016年度 公益財団法人 岡山工学振興会(特別研究)
- 2018年度 ちゅうごく新産業創出研究会
- 2018-2019年度 JKA財団
- 2019年度 第一稀元素化学工業助成金
- 2020年度 岡山県特別電源所在県科学技術振興事業
- 2023-24年度 高橋産業経済研究財団
- 2024年度 岡山県特別電源所在県科学技術振興事業
- 2002 年度 財団法人 日本科学協会 (海外発表促進助成)
- 2002 年度 東京工業大学教育研究振興基金事業
DoCoMo 基金
- 2005年度 日本学術振興会海外派遣事業
- 2005年度 財団法人 ウエスコ学術振興財団 渡航費助成
- 2005年度 後期岡山大学国際交流基金職員海外派遣助成
- 2006年度 財団法人 交流協会
日台科学技術交流 若手研究者交流事業
- 2006年度 岡山大学国際交流基金職員海外派遣助成
- 2008年度 財団法人 徳山科学技術振興財団 平成20年度国際交流助成
- 2008年度 財団法人 ウエスコ学術振興財団 渡航費助成
- 2009年度 日本学術振興会海外派遣事業
「13th Asian Chemicl Congress (13ACC) (第13回アジア化学会議)於上海,中国」
- 2011年度 財団法人 日本科学協会 (海外発表促進助成)
「14th Asian Chemicl Congress (14ACC) (第14回アジア化学会議)於バンコク,タイ」
- 日本化学会 化学と工業誌 ニュース委員(1998-1999
- 有機合成化学協会 協会誌 編集協力委員
(2005-2006 年度)
- 日本化学会中国四国支部幹事(理学部) (2006-2007
- 2007日本化学会西日本大会 (岡山)
事務局長(2007 年)
- 化学だいすきクラブ 中国四国支部 支部特派委員 (2007
- スーパーサイエンスハイスクール(岡山県立玉島高等学校)運営指導委員
(2008 年度)
- アジア化学会連合(FACS)対応検討委員 (2008-2016
- EXCO 会議 (IUPAC の運営会議) Sub-Project
Director (Asian Network of Metallic Chemistry) (2010-2016
- 有機合成化学協会中国四国支部 事務局
(2010-2018 年度)
- 錯体化学会第51回討論会 (岡山理大)
運営委員(2011 年)
- 第50回高分子討論会 (岡山大)
副運営委員長(2011 年)
- 高分子学会 「高分子」 編集支部委員 (2012.6-2014.6
- 高分子学会 「高分子」 編集本部委員 (2016.6-2018.6
- 日本化学会中国四国支部 代議員 (2016-2018
- 有機合成化学協会 代議員 (2018-2019 年度)
- 錯体化学会 将来計画委員 (2011-2019 年度)
- 有機合成化学協会中国四国支部 幹事 (2018-2019
- 錯体化学会 「Bulletin of Japan Society of
Coordination Chemistry (BJSCC)」 編集委員 (2012-2021
- 有機合成化学協会中国四国支部 監事 (2020-2022
- 日本化学会中国四国支部幹事(理学部) (2022-2023
- 有機合成化学協会中国四国支部 事務局
(2023-2024 年度)
- 高分子学会中国四国支部 幹事 (2010-2024
- 近畿化学協会有機金属部会 幹事 (2013-2024